
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Sims 2 - Tattoo Artist Career

 This career goes through some possible jobs in a tattoo parlour. This is an adult career. There are no chance cards completed with this career. If you run into a blank chance card, just ignore it out. The career titles are numbered, so you know where your sim is at in their career. Below are the job titles and descriptions.

1 Local Advertising

It is your duty to leave flyers about the tattoo parlour in laundry mats, on signs, in cafeterias, and anywhere else you can to get the word around about your tattoo parlour going around town. Be sure that you don't break any no soliciting laws. If there's a sign that says No Soliciting, you don't need to go there.

2 Receptionist

It's your job to answer phones at the tattoo parlour, and help customers set up appointments. You will also be greeting customers with a friendly face when they walk in the door. In this stage of your career, improve your charisma skill in order to move forward.

3 Security Guard

With any business, there is the risk of irate customers making a scene. It's your job to notice problems in security, and if there are any to take care of them. You may have to get physical with someone, or even remove them from the shop. Build up your body skill in order to advance.

4 Apprentice

You will be working directly with tattoo artists to learn all the tricks of the trade. Pay careful attention to what the tattoo artists are instructing you about, and do everything you can to help them. Very soon, you may be a tattoo artist of your own. In the tattoo artist career, creativity and cleanliness are both skills you must hone.

5 Tattoo Designer

You are a tattoo designer. You will be creating images for the tattoo artists to look at to make a detailed design on the skins of the many customers who frequent the tattoo parlour.

6 PR Manager

As a public relations manager, you will be in charge of a broad band of advertising. Radio and television commercials will be your speciality, You must increase your charisma skill, as well as creativity and cleanliness skills in order to advance.

7 Tattoo Artist

You have finally reached the point of your tattoo artist career to be called an actual tattoo artist. Use all that you have learned in the past jobs in this career to make perfect tattoos. Your cleanliness, and creativity comes in very handy in this stage of your career, and will help you advance.

8 Manager

You are still a tattoo artist, but you will also be handling things like the company's finances, training upcoming tattoo artists, and reporting to the store managers and the store owner about the productivity of all of the employees under you,

9 Store Manager

You are now a store manager. You are still not completely in charge, you still have to answer to the one and only store owner. You will be in charge of making sure everyone follows proper procedure, and that all of your employees are practicing sanitary tattoo application standards.

10 Store Owner

You are the store owner of the most popular (and probably the only) tattoo parlour in your neighborhood. Today the neighborhood, tomorrow Sim Nation. The skies the limit to how successful your shop will be. Make sure all of your employees are following proper procedure. The managers may bring aspiring tattoo artists to you to evaluate, but in the end you make the final decision.

Below is the custom icon (enlarged)

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