
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Sims 2 - Nursing Home Care Provider Career

This career focuses on the jobs that can preformed in the nursing home. The job titles are numbered, so you can see where you are at in the career. There are no chance cards completed. If you run into a blank chance card, just ignore it out. Below are the job titles and descriptions.

1. Cafeteria Worker

Your job in the nursing home is that of a cafetria worker. You will be dishing out meals for the residents of the nursing home. Be sure to increase your cooking, and cleaning skills at home to succeed in this stage of your career.

2. Cafeteria Manager

Your work as a cafeteria worker have impressed your bosses so much, that they have decided to promote you to the cafeteria manager. You have cafeteria workers under you who are to follow all proper procedure, which you enforce.

3. Front Desk Secretary

You are now working the front desk at the nursing home. You will be greeting all visitors who come in the nursing home, and directing them to sign in for their visits. It is also your job to make sure all paperwork is filed for the nursing home administrators.

4. Activities Director

You will be working with the residents in this aspect of your career. You are in charge of calling BINGO, arts and crafts, and anything else to keep the residents of the nursing home entertained.

5. LPN

You are now a licensed practical nurse. You will be doing tasks in the nursing home such as bringing meals, helping patients to the restroom, and basically making patients feel as comfortable as possible.

6. RN

You are a registered nurse. You will be dispensing medication to the patients, and making sure everything is in order at your hall, and nursing station. You will be filing a great deal of paperwork to turn in to the nursing home administrators.

7. Financing Director

You will be in charge of handling all of the residents monthly stipend, and filling out the necessary forms in case a patient needs to request any money out of their nursing home savings account. You are also in charge of the finances that come into the nursing home to provided services to residents.

8. Nursing Home Administrator

You will be meeting with the Vice President and CEO and other nursing home administrators to discuss any new plans for the nursing home, and go over any potential problems.

9. Vice President of the Nursing Home

It's your job to bounce ideas off of the CEO, and meet with the CEO and nursing home administrators on a regular basis.

10. Nursing Home CEO

You are the one who makes any and all important decisions within the nursing home. If anything is going wrong, it is brought to your immediate attention, so you can help make it right.

Below is the career icon (enlarged)


Anonymous said...

Do you happen to have a midwifery career? I have your pastor one so thought to ask you. Thanks!

Michelle B said...

@Anonymous- Never used it but Dullahan has a Midwifery Career uploaded to Insimenator.org, you might like to check it out.