
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Friday, October 2, 2020

The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen Odds & Ends For The Sims 2 (Requested)

 This was requested in the chatbox. It's a few items from The Sims 4 Cool Kitchen for The Sims 2, and all the recolours of each item included in Sims 4 versions. Included is an end table, a wall cabinet, a decorative shelf, and a counter sink. The price of the end table is 280 simoleons, the price of the wall cabinet is 50 simoleons, the price of the shelf is 40 simoleons, and the price of the counter sink is 300 simoleons. The shelf is just a decorative shelf, you can't put objects in it. It is found in surfaces/shelving. Please click on the pictures for a larger view. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hey 9thWave! How are you? ♥ I hope you're doing well and keeping yourself safe.

Do you, by any chance, take any requests of game and age conversions?

TheNinthWave said...

I do if I know how to do it, or have the right meshes for the right game. I don't know how to do new Sims 4 objects or anything else except for making sims, and making locked objects buyable. But I'm happy to do TS3 - TS2 and TS4 - TS2 conversions, TS2 - TS2 age conversions, and anything you can find here: https://www.models-resource.com/pc_computer/ for other games to The Sims 2.

Anonymous said...

Hi TheNinthWave! Sorry for the translator haha, I'm Brazilian and I know little English: P
I love your work, especially your 4to2 conversions! So I come to ask you if you can convert the top countertops and kitchen cabinets to parenthood and also the more rustic one from the base game, please! Thank you very much <3

TheNinthWave said...

I don't know how to make counters, but I can convert the Parenthood upper cabinets for you. I'm not sure which base game ones you're talking about. Do you have the name of them? That would make finding them easier.

Anonymous said...

Hey, i'm the first anon that asked you about conversions. I'm back :)

Actually, it is an item you've already done converting before - but for TS3, as I can see. The only TS2 version i've come to know has a broken link :( i've tried to find these glasses for TS2, by bunhead, but got no success while doing it! https://bunsblr.tumblr.com/post/51300561999/hello-simblr-a-few-days-ago-i-passed-500

Would you consider converting yours (I believe a TS3 child version) for TS2? If it's not much to ask, of course, and if you feel like a good time doing it :)

Thank you in advance for everything!

TheNinthWave said...

Hey, anon I opened those packages from here http://www.theninthwavesims.com/2012/07/sims-3-generations-glasses-for-children.html and I was surprised, because they opened in simPE with Sims 2 properties in SimPe, apparently I believe when the link was fixed, it was replaced with a Sims 2 creation instead of a Sims 3 one.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's a shame :( I really like these two cabinets a lot, but if you can convert these other 2 objects for me it would be of great help! ❤ The first is this: https://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/content.ts4/config/web/gp06/3c2a8647-002fea53-0002fea5.jpg (Sorry if the link doesn't work) This is the Jungle Adventure plant, I think it is so beautiful. And the second is this: https://eaassets-a.akamaihd.net/content.ts4/config/web/ep05/3c2a8647-002f4793-0002f479.jpg It's the Seasons lamp, I think it's also very beautiful. I hope you can convert them for me, please! :)

Unknown said...

Hi NinthWave! I'm aware you get this a lot but I love your stuff. I also love Cool Kitchen Stuff. Could I request the Salt & Pepper Shakers & the Posters please?

Stay Well, Luke.

Michelle B said...

G'Day Luke, they are done, I added a couple of other things as well. http://www.theninthwavesims.com/2020/10/the-sims-2-ts4-ts2-cool-kitchen-items.html

Unknown said...

Thanks Michelle! I'll check them out now.

ks09 said...

do "less or moar" sink can run in basegame? i downloaded but it's not work..

Michelle B said...

@ks09 - The Cool Kitchens sink needs 'Nightlife' installed for it to work.