
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Sims 2 - Casino Management Career

This is a new career for your sims to enjoy of Casino Management. This career focuses on all the jobs in a casino leading up to management, and ultimately CEO. There are no chance cards (except for a surprise chance card on the last level) in this career. If you run into a blank chance card, just ignore it out. The career reward is the plastic surgery machine (University may be required because of this). Below are the job titles and descriptions. Enjoy!

Casino Janitor

It's up to you to clean up soda (and vodka) spills from rowdy one arm bandits. You'll also be tidying up the buffet by wiping down tables, and sweeping and mopping floors during slow hours. Be sure to increase cleaning skills at this early stage of your career.


It is your responsibility to help guests cash in their winning tickets from slots, video poker, and table games of §1,000 and above which the automated machines do not have the capability of doing. This is the stage of your career where logic skills come into play.

Host (Female is Hostess)

It is your duty to greet incoming guests to the casino in a friendly fashion. You must also be aware to check IDs of guests entering the casino who may appear underage. Remember, no one who looks under 30 years old will enter the casino without an ID. Keep up on your charisma skills at this level of your career.


You will be working the blackjack and roulette tables. You have a strong sense of mathematics, and an eye for security. As a dealer of blackjack, it is your duty to make sure that no one is talking to each other, or has their cell phones out as this could be a form of cheating. As a roulette dealer, you must make sure that the game is running in a fair order.


You will now be serving up the great masses that visit the casino in the casino buffet. You've gained quite a lot of experience working all around the casino, and now it's time to dish out all those wonderfully remarkable delicacies that gather in the crowds. As you know, in this stage of your career you need to build your cooking skill.

Masseur (Female is Masseuse)

You will now be working more in the hotel and spa section of the casino. You will be performing maggages on weary casino guests. Rolling dice, putting down cards, and churning a slot arm sure can give people achy joints. Use only the best essential oils, and perhaps practice at home with a massage table.

Entertainment Coordinator

You will be bringing only the best acts of music, comedy, and  motivational speakers to your casino. You have all the best connections with the managers of celebrities in Studio Town. In this area of your career, you must increase your charisma and creativity skills.

Floor Supervisor

You will be supervising and coordinating activities of workers in assigned gaming areas. You will be monitoring game operations to ensure that house rules are followed, that tribal, state, and federal regulations are adhered to, and that employees provide prompt and courteous service.

Vice President Of Operations

You are the overseer of every aspect of your casinos. From payroll to payouts, you are in charge of it all. You work closely with the CEO to bring new ideas to the table about the publicizing and commercializing of your casinos, You are the go to for any operations questions or advice.

Casino CEO

You are the be all and end all of the casino industry. Your casinos are known all around the world as top notch gaming facilities. You will be meeting with your staff to discuss ideas twice a week. Other than that, you live a life of luxury and ease. Want to take a vacation to Twikkii Island for 2 weeks? No problem! You are the boss.

Below is the career icon (Enlarged)

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