
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Sims 2 - Cowplant Feeder Career (A Gift For Kai) UNI Required

I decided to write a Cowplant Feeder Career, and Michelle said it would be an excellent gift for Kai who's birthday is coming up soon. She particularly loves cow plants. There are no chance cards completed with this career. If you run into a blank chance card, just ignore it out. This career requires University, because the cow plant is a career reward. I had been meaning to make a major too, but I can't figure out how to get University to show up in my file table, because I have the UC. Below are the career titles and descriptions. Enjoy!

Cow Plant Planter

You will be travelling to nearby neighborhoods to plant Laganaphyllis Simnovorii also known as the famous cowplant. The other sims are eager to unleash the cowplant on their enemies. You will be in contact with these sims, so be sure to increase your charisma skills in order to succeed.

Cow Plant Cake Icer

The job of a cowplant a cowplant cake icer is very dangerous work. The Laganaphyllis Simnovori is a very volatile plant. Be sure to keep up your body skill at this point, you will need it in order to bob and weave from the cowplant. And by all means Do Not Eat Your Cakes!


As a butcher you will be preparing huge cuts of meat for sims to feed the cowplant with. Cooking skill is a must at this stage. After you cut the meat, you will also be delivering the meat to the sims. They have to get their endless supply of meat some kind of way. They count on you.

Cowplant Trimmer

You will be lobbing off those extra pesky leaves surrounding the cowplants. Be sure to garden at home to keep practice, and keep up on those cleaning skill points.

Cowplant Feeder

You have now gained enough experience in the Cowplant Feeder career to actually be called an official cow pant feeder. You will be feeding Laganaphyllis Simnovorii in other sims home when they are away. At this point, it would be best to only feed them cuts of meat. You wouldn't want to feed the sim's best friend to the cow plant!

Cowplant Sim Feeder

You've gained such a buzz about your skills feeding meats to the cowplant, that now you have been chosen to feed sims to him. It's your job to travel to a client's home, and lure whoever the owner wants to be eaten to the cowplant. Keep up your charisma skills, so you can charm those sims into danger's way.

Cowplant Milker

Now, your sim clients entrust you to milk their cowplants. After all that toil feeding cowplants cuts of meat and sims, you can now lay back, relax and toast cowplant milk with your clients. They always trust you to provide quality results.

Cowplant Seed Gatherer

.Cowplants, like any plant produce seeds. It's your job to gather these seeds for planting new cowplants for the sim community. Always garden at home, and keep up on your cleaning skill at this stage of your career.

Vice President Laganaphyllis Simnovorii Industries

You are now vice president of Laganaphyllis Simnovorii Industries, the company which produces and delivers cowplants to sims all around Sim Nation. Your job is mostly business, paperwork, and research and development.

President Laganaphyllis Simnovorii Industries

Congratulations are in order. You have reached the top of your career. You are now President of Laganaphyllis Simnovorii Industries, Your knowledge of cowplants is superseded by no one.

Here is the custom icon (Elarged)

For those of you who downloaded from 6/27/20 to 6/29/20, plese re-download. The file has been fixed. It is now EP compatible.

1 comment:

Goldenbtrfly said...

Amazing, just amazing! LOL, it's a perfect compliment for The Sims 2. Thank you for creating this hilariously fun masterpiece!