
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


Accessories (117) Added Pie Menu Functions (14) Age/Gender Conversions (37) Alice in Wonderland (9) Angels (5) Aquariums (6) Aspiration Rewards (5) Bars (12) Bathroom (33) Bathtubs (19) Bedding (57) Bedroom (82) Beds (84) Bioshock - TS2 Conversions (8) Body Shapes (25) Body Shop (357) Bookcases (34) Books (4) Buddhism (12) Build Mode (137) Business (46) Buy Mode (1382) Careers (41) CAS items (40) CAS Screens (4) Cher (5) Children (86) Christian (16) Clocks (12) Clothing (138) Collection Files (5) Community Lots (6) Conversion (4) Conversions (1200) Costume Makeup (10) Creators Policies (4) Curtains (14) Decorative Animals (51) Decorative Plants (90) Default Replacements (69) Default Replacements (1) Dining (62) Doors (11) Dressers/Amories (12) Drinks (44) Earrings (29) Easel Replacements (4) Egyptian (19) Electronics (80) Eyes (8) Facial Hair (3) Fantasy (49) Far East or Middle Eastern (132) Fences & Gates (16) Fireplaces (30) Flags (10) Floors (22) Food (240) Game Mods (184) Glasses (19) Gnomes (8) Gothic (73) Ground Cover (3) Grungy (17) Hair (120) Halfwalls (5) Harry Potter (3) Hats (23) Hider Mods (7) Holidays (137) Hot Tubs (14) Judaism (5) King Kong Conversions (3) LACK Match Recolors (15) Lientebollemeis (38) Lighting (79) Living Room (97) Lots (19) LS - TS2 conversions (7) LS - TS3 Conversions (6) Majors (44) Makeup (19) Mature (18) Maxis Match (208) Maxis Outfits as Tops (13) Medieval (167) Michelle (158) Mirrors (14) Miscellaneous (11) Modern (283) Multi-Purpose Surface (9) Murals (29) Nature (121) Necklaces (11) Neighborhood Decor (15) Neighborhood Maps (11) New Meshes (1638) Non Autonomy Mods (17) Nursery (42) Olympics (2) OMSP (33) Once Upon a Time (19) One Tile Maxis Match (14) Other PC - TS2 Conversions (55) Patterns (17) Personal Favorites (43) Pet Beds (10) Pets (24) Playable Dolls/Bears (9) Plumbing (41) Plus Size (21) Pookleted (18) Poses (12) Prehistoric (20) Pride (14) Rabbit Holes (3) Radios (38) Recolors (322) Residential Lots (12) Retro (438) Room Dividers (6) Rugs (17) Scaled Maxis Decor (18) Sci Fi (91) Shelves (17) Sims (52) Sims 2 Idea (30) Site Announcements (20) Site News (16) Sports (14) Stairs (1) Star Trek (30) Star Wars (8) Study (52) Terrain (11) The Lord Of The Rings (9) The Sims 1 (2) The Sims 2 (2369) The Sims 3 (222) The Sims 4 (65) Tiki (35) Toddler Beds (3) TOU (3) Transformers (1) TS1 - TS2 Conversions (1) TS2 - TS3 Conversions (68) TS2 - TS4 Conversions (20) TS3 - TS2 Conversions (383) TS3 - TS4 Conversions (5) TS4 - TS2 Conversions (623) TS4 - TS3 Conversions (2) TSM - TS2 Conversions (17) TSM - TS3 Conversions (3) Tutorials (43) TVs (25) Unlocked Maxis Items (25) UNpotted plants (19) Updated (28) Vehicles (15) Victorian (234) Wall Art (126) Walls (50) Whitney Houston (5) Windows (18) Witches (16) Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions (14)

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Site News

I am sorry to announce that TheNinthWave we will not be able to fulfill any requests for the time being. 

 Unfortunately his computer died yesterday and he is not in the financial position to get a new one.

He does have a special post scheduled for upload in April.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2020!

It's St. Patrick's Day and we here at TheNinthWaveSims would like to wish everyone a very happy St. Patrick's Day. I'd like to take this time to showcase some of our St. Patrick's Day themed uploads here on the site through the years. (The pictures are clickable links)

The Sims 2 - St. Patrick's Day Flags Recolours

Well today is St. Patrick's Day, so I thought I'd celebrate by uploading some St. Patrick's Day flags. These are recoloured from my mesh conversion of The Sims 4 Pride flag found here. The mesh is included. It's found in decorative/wall art, and costs 150 simoleons. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy!

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Sims 3 - 24 Hour Name Change At City Hall

This is something I shared many years ago at Sapphiresims, and I thought that I shared here, but I guess I didn't, and so I guess it was lost until now. This will allow sims to change their name at City Hall 24 hours instead of set hours. Useful for vampires, or night owls, or early birds who don't want to wait to change their name. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Joan Osborne

Joan Osborne is an American folk rock, and alternative rock singer best known for her only hit (What if God Was) One of Us in mid 1990's. She only had one hit, but she has released 13 albums since her debut album Relish with her hit. She is often compared to Janis Joplin with her raspy, blusey style singing voice. This sim has quite a bit of custom content included, so I'm just going to show you a screenshot of the sims2pack contents below. Enjoy!

Custom Content:

The Sims 2 - Dark Lager (Requested)

This was requested in the chatbox. It's Dark Lager. It's available for all 3 meals. It's found in your sim's fridge under Have or Serve Drinks...Dark Lager. Children cannot get this out of the fridge. If you have Freetime, and plan on entering your  sim in a cooking contest at Sue's Secret Kitchen, you will need Fway's Banned Food Fix from MTS found here. Only English and English (U.K.) translations are provided. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 Island Living Living Room For The Sims 2 - Recolours

As requested by Mike.

Recolours of The Sims 4 Island Living Living Room For The Sims 2, 
converted by TheNinthWave and found HERE, using 10 original Sims 4 textures.
(big thanks to Jon or extracting the files for me).

These are base game compatible, no EP's or SP's required!

Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Living Chairs.  Price: §250.

TS4_Koola_Kouch_TS2_TNW - MASTER
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Sofas & Loveseats.  Price: §360.

TS4_Koola_Kouch_Loveseat_TS2_TNW - Slaved to the TS4_Koola_Kouch_TS2_TNW
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Sofas & Loveseats.  Price: §220.

Files have been compressed and checked in game. A screenshot is included in the zip file.
Enjoy, have fun!
Let me know if you find anything wrong with any of my work,
so it can be fixed and I do not make the same mistake in the future.
Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.
I do this for pleasure, not for profit.
Feel free to use my recolours and include them in your lots, uploaded to free sites only.
However, remember to check the original creator's policies and always link to the originals.
DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim any of my work as your own.
You can find more of my work at Leefish, Mod The Sims & Plumb Bob Keep.

Take care and stay safe.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Sims 2 - TS3 Babydoll Sparkle Swimwear for The Sims 2

I am uploading this on behalf of TheNinthWave, as he has temporarily lost his internet.

This is the babydoll sparkle swimwear from The Sims 3 (Not sure of the EP) for The Sims 2, and 3 of my own custom recolours. It's only available for young adult and adult women. Only found in swimwear. Fat and pregnant morphs included, like all of my recent clothing meshes. Enjoy! 

The Sims 2 - No Autonomous Shoot Hoops (FT Required)

I am uploading this on behalf of TheNinthWave, as he has temporarily lost his internet.

This mod will stop sims from automatically shooting hoops. You can still direct them to this, but they won't do it on their own. Freetime is required, because this is the EP the basketball goal comes from. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Without Internet

I have been without internet for a while if you haven't noticed I've been inactive. Until I get internet set back up, all requests are on hold. I also am unable to post in the chatbox. I have very little data on my phone that I have to pay dearly for. Please bear with me during this time.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 Island Living Living Room For The Sims 2

As requested by Mike.

I am uploading these on behalf of TheNinthWave, as he has temporarily lost his internet.

Included are a sofa, a new loveseat (slaved to the Sofa), and a living chair from The Sims 4 Island Living for The Sims 2. The price of the sofa is 360 simoleons, the price of the loveseat is 220 simoleons, and the price of the living chair is 250 simoleons. Enjoy!

Recolours by me can be found HERE.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Patio Dress For The Sims 2

This is the dress from The Sims 3 (Not sure if it came with an EP) called Patio Dress for The Sims 2. It's wearable by young adult, adult, and elder women only. Found in everyday wear only. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Darling Day Dress For The Sims 2

This is the dress from The Sims 3 Store Mother Russia set called Darling Day Dress for The Sims 2, and the 5 recolours that come with the Sims 3 version. It's wearable by young adult, adult, and elder women only. It's found in everyday wear only. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Base Game Chemise PJs For The Sims 2

These are the pajamas that come with The Sims 3 Base Game called Chemise for The Sims 2, and the 3 recolours that come with the Sims 3 version. They are only wearable by young adult, and adult women. I had been meaning for the longest time to convert these, but haven't been able to until now. I worked very hard on these, so I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Trend Wealth Outfit For The Sims 2

I usually stay away from clothing conversions these days because of the difficulty level, but I thought I would be without internet for a while (and I may be soon), so I decided to try my hand at a challenge. These are the trend wealth outfits from The Sims 3 (Not sure of the EP) for The Sims 2, and the 3 recolours that come with the Sims 3 version. They are only wearable by young adult, adult, and elder women. There may be some flaws in the mesh or texture, but overall I think they look good. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Trash-Tahk Trash Chute - Recolours

As requested - "trash chute without the little rectangle plaque on it."

10 recolours of the Trash-Tahk Trash Chute without the little plaque.
As these are recolours there is a shadow visible, if you have shadows on in your game.

These are not base game compatible, Apartment Life is required!

Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous.  Price: §90.

Files have been compressed and checked in game. A screenshot is included in the zip file.
Enjoy, have fun!
Let me know if you find anything wrong with any of my work,
so it can be fixed and I do not make the same mistake in the future.
Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.
I do this for pleasure, not for profit.
Feel free to use my recolours and include them in your lots, uploaded to free sites only.
However, remember to check the original creator's policies and always link to the originals.
DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim any of my work as your own.
You can find more of my work at Leefish, Mod The Sims & Plumb Bob Keep.

Take care and stay safe.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Sims 2 - Flaki

Flaki (Also known as Tripe) is a Polish soup. Now your sims can enjoy Flaki. It's only available for lunch and dinner. It's found in your sim's fridge under Have or Serve Lunch or Dinner.../Flaki. Some cooking skill is needed in order to prepare. Only English and English (U.K.) translations are provided. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 Tiny Living Earrings For The Sims 2

These are the earrings that come with The Sims 4 Tiny Living Stuff for The Sims 2. They are wearable by young adult, adult, and elder women only. They are not multi-layerable, meaning sims cannot wear these with glasses or other accessories. Found in glasses. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Wilderness Bookshelf For The Sims 2 (FT Compatible)

This is the bookcase from The Sims 3 Store Animals Abound set called Wilderness Bookshelf for The Sims 2, and the 4 recolours that come with the Sims 3 version. It is Freetime compatible, meaning if you have Freetime, or any game higher, there will be special study and novel reading options. The price is 300 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Beignets

A new meal of Beignets for your sims to enjoy. Beignets are a New Orleans food which are fried, but for the sake of finding something to clone from I made them baked. They are usually dusted with powdered sugar. These are available for all 3 meals, and are found in your sim's fridge under Have or Serve Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.../Beignets. If there is any cooking skill from toaster pastries from which this was cloned then that is required. You may notice when your sims go to eat these, they appear smaller than the serving size. This is because as soon as a sim eats one, it automatically goes into the half  eaten state. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 'Island Bounty', converted to the Sims 2

 This is the 'Island Bounty' from The Sims 3 Island Paradise, made smaller 
and converted to the Sim 2. 
It was cloned from the 'Bowl of Plastic Fruit', has 2 subsets and 
7 extra bowl recolours included in the mesh.

This is base game compatible, no EP's or SP's are required!

Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Miscellaneous.  Price: §55.
Poly Count: 813.

Random GUID used: 0x99EB73D2.

Files have been compressed and checked in game. A screenshot is included in the zip file.
Enjoy, have fun!
Let me know if you find anything wrong with any of my work,
so it can be fixed and I do not make the same mistake in the future.
Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.
I do this for pleasure, not for profit.
Feel free to use my recolours and include them in your lots, uploaded to free sites only.
However, remember to check the original creator's policies and always link to the originals.
DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim any of my work as your own.
You can find more of my work at Leefish, Mod The Sims & Plumb Bob Keep.

Take care and stay safe.

The Sims 2 - Decorative Garbage Bag

This is a decorative garbage bag for your residential lots. To place next to garbage cans on locked tiles, bring up the cheat move_objects on It's found in decorative/sculpture and costs 15 simoleons. Enjoy!