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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Sims 2 - Mental Health Career

This is an adult career. This career focuses on many of the possible jobs in the mental health field. This career was cloned from the Business career track, so that the Psychology major would be an ideal major to study in connection with this career. The entire number of chance cards are completed  (10). Below are the job titles and descriptions:

Receptionist Mental Health Center

You will be working the front desk at the Mental Health Center. It's important to keep up your charisma skills in this stage of your career. You will be working directly with mental health patients, assisting in signing them in, and bringing them coffee.

Behavioral Aide

You will be working in the group home administering medicine, and making sure the patients are well behaved, and keeping everything clean. You will be working with the Behavioral Specialists to ensure that operations in the group home are running smoothly.

Behavioral Specialist

A step above Behavioral Aide, you will be working with patients to identify their immediate needs. If a patient in the group home needs to see the nurse, or set up an appointment, they can turn to you. Keep up your charisma points in this stage, and throughout your career to succeed.

Instructor At Day Treatment

The higher ups have noticed your good people skills during your time in the group home, and have decided to promote you to Instructor at Day Treatment. You will be providing lesson plans for mentally ill sims enrolled in classes either looking to get a GED, or placed there by their group homes or case managers.

Peer Specialist

You will be dropping by the various group homes, and day treatment classes offering group discussions about the various topics that the main Mental Health Center gives you. Charisma as always is a must, but in this stage of your career, logic comes in to play. Be sure you are building these skills at home.

Case Manager

You will be working with patients living in the community only, that is patients who do not live in a group home. You will be making sure that they know how to manage their money, they have transportation to important doctor's appointments, and all of their needs are met. Keep up on those logic and charisma skill points in order to succeed.

Psych Nurse

Now you have taken a step further, and have shown that you have what it takes to become a psych nurse. You will be administering injections, taking blood samples, and handling any medical complaints that may arise in the group homes and Mental Health Center. In this stage of your career, you need to work on your cleaning skill.


You are now a therapist. You will be working with patients to identify their goals, cheer them up, and listen to their problems. You are there to help them. Charisma skills are highly needed here in order to succeed. You've come a long way in your career, you should be very proud.

House Manager

You have your own group home that you are in charge of. If there are any behavioral problems with any consumers, you are the one to go to. You will also be discussing ways to improve the group home, and the needs of every patient in weekly meetings. If anyone has any problems, they should look to you.


You are now a psychiatrist. You see patients on a regular basis, and refill, and prescribe their medication. You are also a medical doctor, so you can address any physical concerns any patient might have. You are a pro, and can tell when a patient is off their medication. You do your best to steer patients in the right direction, and keep them on their medication.

Here is an example of a chance card question:

The Icon is the Psychology Major Icon (Original Size)

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