
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Regency Arcade Firepit for The Sims 2

This firepit functions just as a fireplace. It is found in appliances/misc and costs 385 simoleons. It comes from The Sims 3 Store Regency Arcade set which came with the October 2011 update. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Regency Arcade Bed for The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Store Regency Arcade double bed that came with the October 2011 set. The bed is found in seating/beds and costs 2,000 simoleons. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Sims 2 - Smoker's Outpost (Ashtray for Community Lots)

This decorative ashtray is specifically in mind for community lots, but can be placed on residential lots as well. Included is the mesh (black) and two recolours (beige, and white). Price is 40 simoleons found in decorative/sculpture. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Sims 2 - 6 Beddings To Match Maxis Carpets

Included are 6 new beddings to match Maxis carpets. I just randomly chose some carpets that looked good to me. These beddings will work on all beds, double and single, Maxis and custom. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Sims 2 - Yard Eggs For Easter

In anticipation of the upcoming Easter holiday I've created some decorative yard eggs to brighten your sim's lawns. I've included the mesh (white), 3 textured recolours and 5 solid colour recolours. Price is 1 simoleon found in decorative/miscellaneous. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Sims 2 - Bon Voyage Dragon Sculpture Scaled Up

This is the Bon Voyage dragon table sculpture scaled up as a floor sculpture. The price is 430 simoleons, the same as the original sculpture. It is slaved to the original sculpture so all recolours including Maxis will show up in this. Enjoy!

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Sims 2 - Life-sized Gnome

This life-sized gnome is slaved to Maxis' small gnome. All the Maxis recolours show up in this gnome as well as custom recolours. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Sims 2 - TS3 Store Animal Desk & Chair

Included is the desk and chair that came with The Sims 3 Store November 2009 update. The desk costs 200 simoleons, and the chair costs 385 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - More From TS3 Store Modern Set

Included in this set is a table lamp, a bar, and a wall hanging. The end table in the screenshot can be found here. The price of the table lamp is 200 simoleons, the price of the bar is 1,000 simoleons, and the price of the wall art is 120 simoleons. Enjoy!

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Modern Living Room Set For The Sims 2

This set came with the April, 2012 update to the Sims 3 Store. Included in the set is a TV, a living chair, an end table, and a floor plant. Price of the TV is 500 simoleons, price of the living chair is 920 simoleons, price of the end table is 280 simoleons, and the price of the plant is 160 simoleons. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Gothique Living Set For The Sims 2

Included in the set is a sofa, a living chair, a coffee table, and two paintings. The sofa costs 1,500 simoleons, the living chair costs 1,200 simoleons, the coffee table costs 450 simoleons, and the two paintings cost 120 each. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Car Loveseat

This is the car loveseat from The Sims 3 Store January, 2010 update. It's found in seating/sofas and loveseats and costs 200 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Orange Plant For The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Store January 2010 update orange plant for The Sims 2. It's found in decorative/plants and costs 160 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Gothique Double Bed For The Sims 2

Today I've converted The Sims 3 store Gothique double bed to The Sims 2. The bed is found in seating/beds and costs 4,500 simoleons. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Sims 2 - World Adventures Faux Camel Cutout for The Sims 2

This faux (fake) cardboard camel cut-out comes from The Sims 3 World Adventures. It's found in decorative/sculpture and costs 55 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Shamrock Bedding

Included are 4 shamrock themed bedding in anticipation of the upcoming holiday St. Patrick's Day. These beddings work on all beds single, and double, Maxis, and custom. You can find other St. Patrick's Day themed items on the site here and here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Sims 2 - Recolours of Potted Potential/Sorrowful Scions

Included are 7 LACK recolours of Potted Potential which is slaved to the pot of Sorrowful Scions so these will show up in both objects. They are found in decorative/sculpture. Nightlife is required, because that is the expansion they come from. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Original Creation by Me "Astrid" Recolour of Lady on Red

This is an original creation by me made at azalea dolls. I call her Astrid. It's a recolour of Lady on Red from the base game. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Glamour Life Bookshelf in LACK recolours

I've recoloured the Glamour Life bookshelf to match the Ikea Stuff LACK end table recolours. I've also taken out the shiny of this bookshelf. Included are recolours in black, blue, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, and yellow. Glamour Life Stuff is required. Enjoy!

Monday, March 11, 2019

The Sims 2 - 8 Recolours of AF Seasons Outerwear Turtleneck Outfit

Included are 8 recolours of the Seasons turtleneck sweater outfit for young adult and adult females. The colours are: black, blue, green, orange, pink, red, white, and yellow. Seasons is required. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Sims 2 - Flesh-tone For Freetime Genie

This mod gives the genie skintone a human skin colour instead of purple. There will still be purple smoke effect, but the genie skintone itself will be flesh-tone. Freetime is required, as that is the EP the genie comes with. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Decorative Baby Basket From TS3 Generations

This decorative baby basket converted from The Sims 3 Generations is found in decorative/misc. and costs 20 simoleons. It comes with the mesh and 2 recolours. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Ant Bed

This is a decorative ant bed found in decorative/plants. The cost is free. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Lens Recolours Of Female Circular Glasses

Included are 6 lens recolours of the female round glasses from the base game in orange, purple, green, red, blue, and yellow. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Sims 2 - Decorative Chest

This decorative chest is found in decorative/misc. and costs 40 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Decorative Fox Plush

My original plan was to make this a working doll like the teddy bear, but I forgot how I did those, and I spent a lot of hours to no avail, so I just said forget about it I'll make it decorative. It's found in Miscellaneous/Child and costs 20 simoleons. Enjoy!

Friday, March 8, 2019

The Sims 2 - Default Replacement School Bus In LACK Colours

This will replace the school bus that picks up children and teen sims with your choice of black, blue, green, pink, red, or white the matching colours of the Ikea LACK end table. I didn't include the yellow one because the bus is already yellow. You must only keep one of these files in your downloads folder. Do not just put the whole folder in there or more than one. It will cause conflicts, and can cause game lag. Don't say I didn't warn you. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Base Game Phones in LACK Recolours

Today I've recoloured all of the base game phones to match Ikea's LACK end table recolours. I hope you enjoy!

The Sims 2 - New Orange Bedding

I finally remembered how to make bedding again, so today I have some new orange bedding. These work on all beds, Maxis and custom. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - TS3 Generations Rose Vase For The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Generations rose vase converted for The Sims 2. It's found in decorative/plants and costs 50 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Decorative Stroller Converted From TS3 Generations

Today I've converted the stroller from The Sims 3 Generations to The Sims 2 and included the 2 recolours that were included with The Sims 3. It's found in decorative/sculpture and costs 40 simoleons. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Slick Lips

Today I have a new lipstick set for you. It's called slick lips and comes in 6 shades. It's wearable by teen through elder females. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - TS3 World Adventures Carts for TS2

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 World Adventures Chinese carts for The Sims 2. Included is a large cart, a small cart, and a busted cart. All of these are base game compatible. They are found in decorative/sculpture and cost 15 each. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Sims 2 - My Original Art "Wild Nights" Recolour of Two Dogs and An Olive (NL Required)

This is probably my favourite original digital art I've ever made. I liked it so much I even got the real life canvas print and hung it in on my wall in my old apartment. It's called Wild Nights and Nightlife is required. I hope you enjoy!