
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Monday, October 22, 2018

The Sims 2 - Cosmetology Career

Today I have a new career for you to enjoy! It’s the cosmetologist career. The cosmetologist career is an ideal career for my cosmetology major in my major pack uploaded a few weeks earlier here on this site. There are no chance cards completed with this career. If you run into a blank chance card, just press ignore. The job titles are numbered in game, so you know where your sim is at in their career.

Here are the career titles and descriptions:

1. Shampoo Boy (male)  1. Shampoo Girl (female)
It's your job to keep those pretty locks clean and ready to be cut for the barber. You also assist in sweeping the leftover hair from the aftermath of each haircut. Be sure to do your best schmoozing to try to win over the barber, he might give you a promotion to receptionist if you play your cards right.

2. Receptionist
You'll be taking numbers for appointments that come in to the hair salon. You will also be greeting guests as they come in, so be sure to look your best, keep your hygiene up, and your charisma up. You are the first face the customer will see when they come in the salon so you need to be completely professional at all times.

3. Hairdresser
You will mainly be working with colouring hair, teasing hair, curling hair that sort of thing. Leave the cutting to the real professionals. Be sure to know which colours to mix with which conditioners so as not to cause any colour damage.

4. Stylist
You are a step up above hairdresser, a step below barber. You are working your way up though. Keep up those charisma, cleaning, and creativity skills, and you're sure to be the envy of the hair art world.

5. Barber
You've now reached a point in your career where you are free to do hair in any shop you so choose to. You haven't quite made it to the point where you are your own boss yet, but you're almost there. Keep up the good work; you've made it this far, don't give up!

6. Head Barber
The Master Barber of the shop has chosen you to be the head barber. You are in charge of all the other workers in the shop, setting their hours and wages, giving out breaks, and if need be giving raises and promotions. In any other job your title would be Assistant Manager.

7. Master Barber
You own your own shop and have a crew of barbers, stylists, and other workers at your beckon call. You're making a lot more simoleons now, and you’re making a name for yourself with a few celebrity clients showing up from time to time.

8. Barbering College Professor
You've reached an expert status level of your career that you can now teach bright young minds how to successfully cut, colour, dye, shave, crimp, weave, and do just about anything humanly imaginable to hair.

9. Dean of the Barbering College
You've now reached the point of your career where you are such an expert on everything hair that you run an entire school on the subject of hair! You have earned a lot to make it this far, congratulations are in order, or wait isn't that what you say to your students when they graduate?

10. Celebrity Stylist
You are famous! Your talents have been seen on national television, in movies, and on the news! You are even a household name. Congratulations, you've made it to the top of the Cosmetologist career track!

Here is the custom icon: