
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Sims 2 - Author Career

Today I have a new career for you to enjoy, the Author career. The career has numbers beside each job title in game so you know where your sim is at in their career. The career has no chance cards. If you come across a blank chance card, just press ignore.

Job Titles & Descriptions:

1. Newspaper Columnist
You're starting off your career writing for Sim City Times. Your new column "General Advice and Tidbits" is going well. You will be answering reader's questions on relationship advice, cooking tips, etiquette, social pointers and more.

2. Cliff Note Writer
You know those yellow and black striped pamphlets next to the books you see in the book store? Well, someone has to write them. It turns out that someone is you. You need to know your Shakespeare, Hemingway, Tolstoy and others and you'll do just fine.

3. Poet
You've entered the wonderful world of poetry. Let your muse run free. As you can see, poetry is a breeze. Do you have any cheese?

4. Lyricist
You've now used all your skill you've learned in poetry to make beautiful music to add to song. Enjoy it while it lasts; because the next levels of this career involve prose writing.

5. Playwright
You are now a playwright. You are coming up with some really good ideas for the young actors of Sim City to portray on stage. Who knew the life story of Mother Theresa could be a musical? Only you could pull that off.

6. Magazine Editor
Remember when you were a homely newspaper columnist? Well now you can use all you learned then in your current position as a magazine editor. It's pretty much the same thing but on a much, much, much larger scale.

7. Romance Novelist
Everyone wants to know, is Cindy cheating on Eldrick, who is the father of Amber's baby, did Harry land him that new job in the city, the answer to all of these questions and more can be answered in your latest novel.

8. Best Selling Author
Your books are flying off the shelves! Everyone wants a copy of your latest novel. You are now a house hold name and everyone wants a piece of the action. You are really living the high life now.

9. Television Show Writer
You are the writer of some of the greatest hit television shows on TV today. Your shows and other works from the past are garnering the eyes of Hollywood. Soon your work will be headed to the big screen if you keep going the way you're going.

10. Movie Script Writer
You have now reached the top of your career; you are writing movies for such big blockbuster hits as Jurassic Pork, Star Poors, and Next Men, You've done so well. Congratulations are in order for sure.
The Icon Comes from the Maxis UI of the reference book:

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Sims 2 - 9 New Majors

Well, it's been a while since I've been able to create anything because for a long time I didn't have a computer. Now I have a computer, but I don't have internet so I can create, but the creations won't be in such as a volume as they were before.

Today I have a few college majors for your young adult sims to enjoy. All majors have English and English (UK) translations. I tried to follow Maxis’ formula for humorous class titles as much as possible.

The first major is Botany
Here are the class titles:
History of Shrubs: Why We Trim Them
Persimmons: The Forgotten Fruit
Japanese Maple: The Maple Sans Syrup
Pumpkins: Fall's Favorite Fruit
Venus Fly Trap: Nature's Exterminators
Penicillin and Other Medicinal Plants
Acorns: More Than Just Squirrel Food
Senior Project: Pressed Leaf Collection
Here is the custom icon:

Music Major
Class Titles:
1, 2, 3, Do, Re, Mi: Keeping Time With Simple Rhyme
Music Theory: The Basic Elements of Tune
Music History: People Who You'll Never Be As Good As
Modern Musicians: The Great Legendary Artists of Our Time
An Introduction to Voice: Holding Your Breath While You Sing
Genre Definition: Jazz or Blues
Rhythm: That Thing That Makes You Tap Your Foot
Melody Concept: Melody and Harmony How They Intertwine
Here is the custom icon:

Seminary Major
Class Titles:
The Beatitudes: Jesus' Blessing to the Faithful
The Minor Prophets: Yes They Do Matter
Glossolalia Phenomena: Tongues of Angels, or Gibberish?
The Names of God
The Written Books of Paul the Apostle
Revelation: Never Called Revelations
Proverbs and James: A Comparison
A Look at Esther: Queen of Ancient Persia
Here is the custom icon:

Education Major:
The education major is an ideal major for the Maxis education career track.
Class Titles:
Kindergarten Education: The Only Grade With a Naptime
Public Speaking: How to Project Your Voice Over a Crowd of Noisy Students
Electives: The Forgotten Courses
Grading on a Curve: Because Grading on a Line is Boring
Field Trips: Never a Dull Moment
Detention, Study Hall, and Pep Rallies: Filling in Extra Time
Multitasking: Coaching and Teaching Simultaneously
Managing Mayhem: An Introduction to Education Administration
The icon is the same as Maxis' Education career track icon:

Cosmetology Major:
The cosmetology major is an ideal major for my upcoming Cosmetology career.
Class Titles:
Shampooing: Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Barbercide: Killing Nothing but Germs
Highlights: Not Just a Children's Magazine
Perms: How Permanent are They Really?
Clippers vs. Shears: The Correct Way to Fade
When is a Wig Warranted
Facial Hair: When is it Too Much
Senior Thesis: Grooming for the Masses
Here is the custom icon:

Culinary Arts Major:
The culinary arts major is an ideal major for Maxis' culinary career
Class Titles:
Gelatin: Why is it Squishy?
Microwave vs. Stove: Which is Hotter
Lobster Thermidor: Your go to Meal When Hungry
Italian vs. Chinese: Ethnic Food, A Synopsis
Salad: How it Causes Fires
Fried Chicken, Filet Mignon, and other Restaurant Foods
Blended or Poured? The Proper Way to Bartend
Senior Project: Preparing for the Fast Food Industry
The icon is the same as Maxis' Culinary career track icon:

English Major:
Sentence Types: Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory
Semicolons: How Are They Used? Who Knows? Who Cares?
Prepositions: Never End a Sentence With One
Dangling Participles: Improperly Used Sentence Format That Goes Both Ways
Punctuation: When Brackets Are Preferred Over Parenthesis
Vocabulary: Yes Ain’t Is a Word
Resume Writing: What Not to Include, Such as Your Exotic Dancing Job
The Icon is unchanged from the Literature major this major was cloned from:

Criminal Justice Major:
The Criminal Justice major is an ideal major for Maxis’ Law Enforcement Career Track
To Protect and Serve: More Than Just an Oath
Miranda Rights: Forget Them, and Forget Having a Career
Non-Lethal Weapons Used by Officers: Yes You Will Be Tased in This Class
Forensics: Not as Glamorous as Seen On T.V.
Correctional Officers: Interrogating Irate Inmates
Proper Use of a Polygraph: Probing People Politely
Obstacle Course Necessary for Graduation
The icon is the same as the Maxis’ Law Enforcement Career:

Physical Education Major:
The Physical Education major is an ideal major for Maxis’ athletic career track, and my custom Personal Trainer career track.
Competitive Sports 101: There is no I in team, but there is an EA
Soccer: Look, no Hands
Hockey: Football on Ice
Tennis: The Rich Sport, but not as Rich as Golf
Boxing: Despite the Title, it has Nothing to do With Gift-wrapping
Basketball: Dribbling is not Just for Babies
Softball and Baseball a Comparison and Contrast
Senior Project: Preparing for Work at the Bowling Alley
The Icon is the same as Maxis’ athletic career track icon: