
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


Accessories (117) Added Pie Menu Functions (14) Age/Gender Conversions (37) Alice in Wonderland (9) Angels (5) Aquariums (6) Aspiration Rewards (5) Bars (12) Bathroom (33) Bathtubs (19) Bedding (57) Bedroom (82) Beds (84) Bioshock - TS2 Conversions (8) Body Shapes (25) Body Shop (357) Bookcases (34) Books (4) Buddhism (12) Build Mode (137) Business (46) Buy Mode (1382) Careers (41) CAS items (40) CAS Screens (4) Cher (5) Children (86) Christian (16) Clocks (12) Clothing (138) Collection Files (5) Community Lots (6) Conversion (4) Conversions (1200) Costume Makeup (10) Creators Policies (4) Curtains (14) Decorative Animals (51) Decorative Plants (90) Default Replacements (69) Default Replacements (1) Dining (62) Doors (11) Dressers/Amories (12) Drinks (44) Earrings (29) Easel Replacements (4) Egyptian (19) Electronics (80) Eyes (8) Facial Hair (3) Fantasy (49) Far East or Middle Eastern (132) Fences & Gates (16) Fireplaces (30) Flags (10) Floors (22) Food (241) Game Mods (184) Glasses (19) Gnomes (8) Gothic (73) Ground Cover (3) Grungy (17) Hair (120) Halfwalls (5) Harry Potter (3) Hats (23) Hider Mods (7) Holidays (137) Hot Tubs (14) Judaism (5) King Kong Conversions (3) LACK Match Recolors (15) Lientebollemeis (38) Lighting (79) Living Room (97) Lots (19) LS - TS2 conversions (7) LS - TS3 Conversions (6) Majors (44) Makeup (19) Mature (18) Maxis Match (208) Maxis Outfits as Tops (13) Medieval (167) Michelle (158) Mirrors (14) Miscellaneous (11) Modern (283) Multi-Purpose Surface (9) Murals (29) Nature (121) Necklaces (11) Neighborhood Decor (15) Neighborhood Maps (11) New Meshes (1638) Non Autonomy Mods (17) Nursery (42) Olympics (2) OMSP (33) Once Upon a Time (19) One Tile Maxis Match (14) Other PC - TS2 Conversions (55) Patterns (17) Personal Favorites (43) Pet Beds (10) Pets (24) Playable Dolls/Bears (9) Plumbing (41) Plus Size (21) Pookleted (18) Poses (12) Prehistoric (20) Pride (14) Rabbit Holes (3) Radios (38) Recolors (322) Residential Lots (12) Retro (438) Room Dividers (6) Rugs (17) Scaled Maxis Decor (18) Sci Fi (91) Shelves (17) Sims (52) Sims 2 Idea (30) Site Announcements (20) Site News (16) Sports (14) Stairs (1) Star Trek (30) Star Wars (8) Study (52) Terrain (11) The Lord Of The Rings (9) The Sims 1 (2) The Sims 2 (2370) The Sims 3 (222) The Sims 4 (65) Tiki (35) Toddler Beds (3) TOU (3) Transformers (1) TS1 - TS2 Conversions (1) TS2 - TS3 Conversions (68) TS2 - TS4 Conversions (20) TS3 - TS2 Conversions (383) TS3 - TS4 Conversions (5) TS4 - TS2 Conversions (623) TS4 - TS3 Conversions (2) TSM - TS2 Conversions (17) TSM - TS3 Conversions (3) Tutorials (43) TVs (25) Unlocked Maxis Items (25) UNpotted plants (19) Updated (28) Vehicles (15) Victorian (234) Wall Art (126) Walls (50) Whitney Houston (5) Windows (18) Witches (16) Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions (14)

Friday, June 27, 2014


If you have a request email TheNinthWaveSims@yahoo.com. Requests there are confidential, meaning I won't list your name in the upload. I have some requests there already. I have some of my own projects going at the moment that are taking a lot of my time (clothing conversions are not as easy as I thought), then I can fulfill them. You can also use the chatbox to make requests.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Sims 2 - KPST Sparkle Formal For The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Katy Perry's Sweet Treats sparkle formal dress for The Sims 2, with a few minor altercations (I've cut out the straps). For young adult and adult women in formal only. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Sims 2 - Budgetell Streetlight

A new streetlamp mesh for your mid-range lots for you to enjoy. Found in lighting/misc. Costing §105. Enjoy!

Day (Turned Off)

Night (Turned On)

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Sims 2 - DR - No High Water Half Leg FT Sport Wear for AM

This is a default replacement mesh of the Freetime athletic wear for men to make it so the pants leg on the right side isn't halfway up. Huge thanks to catofevilgenius and her mesh mirror tool. Without that, this couldn't be made possible. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Indiana Jones Revolver For The Sims 2

This is the revolver converted from Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb for The Sims 2. Found under glasses, and is multi-wearable. Available in everyday, formal, and outerwear for young adult through elder males. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Sims 2 - 6151 Richmond St. Miami, FL (Golden Girls Home) No CC

I came across a really cool website with the floor plans to famous TV shows and movies, and I saw something there I couldn't resist making for The Sims 2. The home of Blanche Deveraux, Dorothy Bzornac, Sofia Petrilliou, and Rose Nyland. Also known as The Golden Girls. Pretty much everyone has seen or at least heard of this show. If you haven't, go ahead and stay under that rock you live in. In the 1980's these saucy seniors shared lots of laughs, tears, and cheesecake. Had romantic rendezvous on their lanai, and just plain made us giggle. This lot requires only Nightlife, Kitchen and Bath Stuff, Apartment Life, and Mansion and Garden. No CC. Enjoy!



Top Down

 Living Room







The Sims 2 - Half Thongs For Guys

The hottest new trend for swimwear and underwear for men is the half thong. You may have seen images of the half thong splattered across facebook recently, so I thought I'd give a go at creating this for The Sims 2. It's a Maxis Base Game recolour, so no EP, SP, or any other mesh is required. For young adult and adult men only. In swimwear and underwear. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Sims 2 - Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Casual Swimwear For TS2

This is The Sims 3 Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Stuff casual swimwear outfit for The Sims 2. Found in everyday and swimwear for young adult and adult women only. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Store Ruffles! Formal Dress For TS2

This is The Sims 3 Store Ruffles! dress from the Homecoming set for The Sims 2. The dress is found in formal and is wearable by young adult to elder women only. Because EA usually has one preset with their store sets, I've decided to go ahead and add 5 more recolours to the original lime green. The eggshell (white) coloured dress looks especially stunning as a wedding dress. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Base Game Swim-Dress For The Sims 2

I just love it when I can add another type of content to my repertoire. Today I learned how to convert Sims 3 outfits to Sims 2 thanks to the very informative tutorial by serenity_fall. First on my list of future CAS conversions is the swim-dress from  the base game. Included are the mesh and the 3 presets found in Sims 3. For young adult and adult women only. Enjoy!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Sims 2 - Slippery Sod - 10 Icy Groundcovers

First of all, credit goes to borysses at deviantart for the textures, and allowing others to use his textures.

Included are 10 snowy, icy, yes even some melty ground covers for you to enjoy.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Sims 2 - Baked Chicken For Dinner

Here is a new meal of baked chicken for your sim's to enjoy. It's an edit of Maxis' turkey. Cloned form turkey, so the same cooking skill is required. I edited the BHAV of the prep type to change from stuff to chop then season because I scaled the turkey mesh down to chicken size and sims would put their hands on top of the turkey, it looked weird putting their hands in mid air so I felt like it was necessary. I also changed the positioning of the prep ingredients, and I did a few more realistic texture edits as well. Found in your sim's fridge under Have Dinner.../Baked Chicken or Serve Dinner.../Baked Chicken. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Traditonal Contemporary Post Halfwall (Nightlife Requried)

Included is a new halfwall for you to enjoy. Found in build mode/half walls. The price is free. Nightlife is required. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Good Witches Paneling Walls Mural

My absolute favourite supernatural to play is witches, and especially good witches. This screenshot was taken by me several years ago, and I liked it so much I made it my avatar, it's even still my avatar in some random places around. It was in a lot that I requested by Guardgian that I sadly don't have anymore and she deleted to make room for her Sims 3 uploads. So, this screenshot brings back a lot of fun memories playing my good witch and her wizard friend. The walls consist of 4 build mode paneling walls costing §4 per square that when pieced together correctly form one seamless mural. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Skyrim Eyes

This was something I made on plumb bob keep a good while ago, and I remembered they were not here. I noticed while searching through my posts for a screenshot I shared there long ago.

These were requested by Tye. Google tells me it's Skyrim - Elder Scrolls, I wasn't sure which game they came from at first. I really like the looks of these. All files compressed. Feel free to modify (make townie friendly, contacts, defaults, recolors, e.c.t. I won't). Enjoy!

Here they are shown in alphabetical order:


Dark Elf 

High Elf




 Wood Elf