
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Saturday, May 31, 2014

New career by S2I: Llama career

As I do take requests Sadie95 requested the adult career Llama Care.
It's EP compatible and has its own GUID (no overwrite).
No EP needed
Click the button to see more information.



Requester Sadie95
Career Title Llama Care
Careerreward Hydroponic Garden

Level 1
Title Llama Trekker
Description Welcome to the world of llamas! And they need walks… lots of them! Take them on treks through the vallies and hills, and get the chance to bond with these majestic creatures!
Wages 115
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Starthour 10.00
Working hours 5.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Taxi

Level 2
Title Llama Trek Leader
Description Thanks to all those treks, you've become experienced with the llamas and confident in where to lead them! Don't lose anyone, llamas or sims, and you should be just fine.
Wages 150
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Starthour 9.00
Working hours 5.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Taxi
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 1
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 1
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1

Level 3
Title Llama groomer
Description Toenail clippers, brushes and toothbrushes have become a part of your daily work. It's your job to keep SimCity's llamas in tip-top condition. Be gentle with the llamas though… Llama spit smells terrible!
Wages 200
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Starthour 11.00
Working hours 5.00
Outfit Green scrubs
Carpool Hatchback
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 1
Body + 0
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 0
Logic + 2
Cleaning + 1
Friends + 1

Level 4
Title Llama sitter
Description Llamas have owners. Those owners need a break every now and then, so it's your job to take care of them while they're on holiday! Keep your cleanliness and cooking skills up, and someone might spot your affinity with the llamas!
Wages 300
Days Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
Starthour 7.00
Working hours 8.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Hatchback
Cooking + 2
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 2
Friends + 2

Level 5
Title Llama farm hand
Description The local llama farm needed an extra pair of hands to take care of their llamas, and it's you! It's your responsibility to feed, water and clean out the creatures. The more experience you gain, you may even be bumped up the career ladder!
Wages 350
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday
Starthour 7.00
Working hours 9.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Hatchback
Cooking + 1
Mechanical + 1
Body + 1
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 1
Friends + 1

Level 6
Title Llama trainer
Description Llamas can be well behaved. However, they can also be a four-legged nightmare. You must be firm and consistent: deliver the correct training to them, and llama and sim should get along just fine! Be creative - llamas are inquisitive and curious, but also get bored easily...
Wages 400
Days Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday
Starthour 10.00
Working hours 6.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Town car
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 0
Body + 0
Charisma + 2
Creativity + 2
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 1

Level 7
Title Llama veterinarian assitant
Description Intruiged with the animal and eager to learn more about how the llama functions, you landed a job assisting a llama vet in their day to day activities. If you want more, you'll have to keep your logic up!
Wages 613
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Starthour 9.00
Working hours 7.00
Outfit Green scrubs
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 2
Body + 0
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 1
Friends + 0

Level 8
Title Llama dentist
Description Open wide! Llamas need their teeth to eat, and you're taking care of those pearly whites! Be careful of llama spit, and keep your cleanliness up… Llamas make messy patients…
Wages 788
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Sunday
Starthour 9.00
Working hours 8.00
Outfit Lab coat 1
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 2
Body + 0
Charisma + 0
Creativity + 0
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 1
Friends + 0

Level 9
Title Llama farmer
Description Congratulations! You now own your very own llama farm! Buy, sell and breed llamas, all while offering a unique experience to the locals! Of course, people will be on hand to help you with the beasts, but they're ultimately your animals and your responsibility. Keep them happy, or be spat on…
Wages 910
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Starthour 7.00
Working hours 10.00
Outfit Everyday outfit
Carpool Sedan
Cooking + 0
Mechanical + 2
Body + 0
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 1
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 0
Friends + 0

Level 10
Title Llama veterinarian
Description All your experience with llama-kind has brought you here, to taking care of their overall welfare. You get everything from broken bones to ingrown toenails, but finally, your dream has been accomplished!
Wages 1138
Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Starthour 9.00
Working hours 8.00
Outfit Blue scrubs
Carpool Sports car - mid
Cooking + 1
Mechanical + 1
Body + 1
Charisma + 1
Creativity + 1
Logic + 1
Cleaning + 1
Friends + 1

Original icon http://www.bryan-thorne.com/SOUTH%20AMERICA%201/02%20PERU/Inca%20Trail/Inca%20Trail.htm
Justification by requester Sims love llamas… It's mentioned several times throughout the Sims series, the insults in Sims 3, the excuses of having to feed a llama in the Sims 1, as well as the Llamas athletic team and the mascots in Sims 2 University... the 'gurnits'! I'd love the Sims to be given a chance to work alongside them, as well as them being my favourite animal! Personally, my lifelong dream is to have a llama farm :)

S2I PTO7 by default: http://bit.ly/1m7eLOf
PTO3 & PTO5 version: http://bit.ly/1kv0d82

All versions have a different GUID so you can download them all.

To find the career in game: http://bit.ly/MxB7bk
What is PTO? http://bit.ly/1nsQ0tZ
Can you create a career for me?: http://bit.ly/p9ymWC

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.

Wooden UI by Calidan (MTS) http://bit.ly/1aKIKpW
Job Seeking Board by Moghughson (MTS) http://bit.ly/tLUmNg
Adobe Photoshop CS4
SimPE, the requester
Numenor’s Anygamestarter

I accept requests full time! If you have a request please go here: bit.ly/p9ymWC Please, don't upload these creations anywhere. If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,... Or share this link anywhere: http://bit.ly/fSnciT

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