
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Saturday, May 3, 2014

New babyoutfit by S2I: 216 Baby Disney Mickey & Winnie & Co

On my blog you can already download clothes for YA and Adult females, but these are for babies.
Normally a baby has one outfit and the same one for every new born. (You can have default replacements but still all babies wear the same outfit.)
With this every baby can have a different outfit and you can change it as much as you like.

I chose Baby Disney as it is for babies and I chose the most common, known and popular cartoons namely: Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Pluto, Goofy, Group (4 of them together), Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore and all of them together.
There are 18 different colors of the outfit. So 12 cartoons * 18 different colors = 216 new babyoutfits non-default replacement.

I'm not a huge fan of babies in the Sims 2. They can't do anything and the sims cannot do much with them. It's a lifestage that I always hope to go by quickly. But now they can have different outfits every day. Althoug I think 216 days is a lot, I still really like the idea and want to have them with my sims a little longer now.


This is actually a recolor of the mesh made by Fakepeeps7.
So you need that mesh to make this work: http://bit.ly/OWYsFw
Mod object
You'll need Chris Hatch's mod (http://bit.ly/1dobWoV) to use these clothes (otherwise, they won't show up and your baby will just wear a diaper if you don't have any other defaults installed). All outfits are unisex. The Pets EP or higher is required to use the mod.

S2I: http://1drv.ms/1q0tL32

How to USE Chris Hatch's Plan Baby Mod:

0. Purchase the Buy Baby Outfit teddy bear. There is to my knowledge no other way to buy baby clothes. Yet? Maybe 'yet.'
1. Have your parent Sim either hold their baby or put their baby on the floor. I haven't checked this with every possible combination of relatives, but an unrelated adult CANNOT get new clothes for a baby. Didn't think to check with teenagers. Somebody try it and report back?
2. With your parent Sim selected, click on the teddy bear and select "Buy Outfit For..." which should lead you to the names of all infants ant toddlers in the household. Click on a toddler's name.
3. A standard clothing-purchase window will pop up. DO NOT CLICK ANY AGE ICONS. Click on one of the gender icons instead. That's the only way to get to the baby clothes. Select and purchase baby clothes as you would normal clothes; they only cost $25 each so stock up. Hit the check-mark to buy clothes.
4. When the clothing purchase window closes, a plan outfit window will appear. So... plan your outfit.
5. If you forgot to plan your outfit, panicked and hit Close, or just want to change your baby's casual clothing for the season, buy one of the Maxis changing tables and have a parent Sim Plan Outfit For their baby as they would for a toddler.

All explanation is also found here: http://bit.ly/1dobyHg

Can you create something for me? http://bit.ly/p9ymWC

If you still have questions, please, use the commentsection. I'm open to questions.

If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.

My Policy
1. Only share the link to my work. Don't upload my creations anywhere!
2. Don't modify or upload my work without permission. Just send me a PM.
3. When using my work in your pictures, please, give credit (name and link) so people know where to download it.

Additional Credits:
Chris Hatch for the mod!
fakepeeps7 for the mesh and base textures I used to make new textures
Numenor for the Anygamestarter
Photoshop SimPE Bodyshop

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