I left her zodiac sign, traits, and lifetime wishes open to interpretation. Feel free to play around with her any way you choose. She's packaged as a .sim file. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
The Sims 3 - Locroxia Barrange (Supernatural Required)
Locroxia was brought found on the doorstep of an orphanarium in Moonlight Falls in 1774. She was taken there by her parents as a precautionary measure to avoid the massive slaying of witches in Salem at the time. Her parents felt that an innocent baby witch shouldn't be faced with the torture of Salem. She lived her life there for the past 200 or so years until present day where she currently resides in her hovel. She specializes in spells to give long life and retain youth.
I left her zodiac sign, traits, and lifetime wishes open to interpretation. Feel free to play around with her any way you choose. She's packaged as a .sim file. Enjoy!
I left her zodiac sign, traits, and lifetime wishes open to interpretation. Feel free to play around with her any way you choose. She's packaged as a .sim file. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
New babyoutfit by S2I: Uniforms Star Trek Voyager

On my blog you can already download clothes for YA and Adult females, but these are for babies.
Normally a baby has one outfit and the same one for every new born. (You can have default replacements but still all babies wear the same outfit.)
With this every baby can have a different outfit and you can change it as much as you like.
I chose Star Trek Voyager cause for the last couple of months I watched that series again and I really love the idea of babies wearing that uniform too.
I hope all you Star Trek fans like it.
This is actually a recolor of the mesh made by Fakepeeps7.
So you need that mesh to make this work: http://bit.ly/OWYsFw
Mod object
You'll need Chris Hatch's mod (http://bit.ly/1dobWoV) to use these clothes (otherwise, they won't show up and your baby will just wear a diaper if you don't have any other defaults installed). All outfits are unisex. The Pets EP or higher is required to use the mod.
How to USE Chris Hatch's Plan Baby Mod:
0. Purchase the Buy Baby Outfit teddy bear. There is to my knowledge no other way to buy baby clothes. Yet? Maybe 'yet.'
1. Have your parent Sim either hold their baby or put their baby on the floor. I haven't checked this with every possible combination of relatives, but an unrelated adult CANNOT get new clothes for a baby. Didn't think to check with teenagers. Somebody try it and report back?
2. With your parent Sim selected, click on the teddy bear and select "Buy Outfit For..." which should lead you to the names of all infants ant toddlers in the household. Click on a toddler's name.
3. A standard clothing-purchase window will pop up. DO NOT CLICK ANY AGE ICONS. Click on one of the gender icons instead. That's the only way to get to the baby clothes. Select and purchase baby clothes as you would normal clothes; they only cost $25 each so stock up. Hit the check-mark to buy clothes.
4. When the clothing purchase window closes, a plan outfit window will appear. So... plan your outfit.
5. If you forgot to plan your outfit, panicked and hit Close, or just want to change your baby's casual clothing for the season, buy one of the Maxis changing tables and have a parent Sim Plan Outfit For their baby as they would for a toddler.
All explanation is also found here: http://bit.ly/1dobyHg
Can you create something for me? http://bit.ly/p9ymWC
If you still have questions, please, use the commentsection. I'm open to questions.
If you like this creation, please, press the thanks button and/or leave a comment. Feedback always keeps a creator going for making more new stuff.
My Policy
1. Only share the link to my work. Don't upload my creations anywhere!
2. Don't modify or upload my work without permission. Just send me a PM.
3. When using my work in your pictures, please, give credit (name and link) so people know where to download it.
Additional Credits:
Chris Hatch for the mod!
fakepeeps7 for the mesh and base textures I used to make new textures
Numenor for the Anygamestarter
Photoshop SimPE Bodyshop
Please, don't upload these creations anywhere.
If you want to share them, share by the button Twitter, Facebook,...
Or share this link anywhere: http://bit.ly/fSnciT
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The Sims 2 - Child Checks Swimwear for Adults
This is the child checks swimwear from the base game for adult and young adult males. No EP, SP, or mesh is required, however both files in the zip are required in order to show up in game. I don't know what's wrong with the colour of his legs, for some reason blogger doesn't like flesh-tone. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
The Sims 2 - Black Buddha
This was requested by S.O.S. it's a black recolour of my Buddha statue. Found in sculptures. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
The Sims 2 - Larger NL Romantic Votiv Candles Nightlife Required
I always hated how tiny, itsy bitsy the Nightlife romantic votiv candle table lamp was, so I finally decided to fix it. You could barely see it in normal gameplay. It's the same price and found in the same area of the catalog as the original. It's slaved and compressed. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 6, 2014
The Sims 2 - Ice Cream Cones
Cloned from snack of juice can, so functions technically as a snack. Found in your sim's fridge under have dessert.../Ice Cream.../Chocolate or have dessert...Ice Cream.../Strawberry or have dessert...Ice Cream.../Vanilla. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Family Fun Fantasy Bedding
It's no secret I love the family fun set (especially the castle theme), so I decided to do some more add ons and included bedding recolors to match the wall hanging and the rug (not pictured). Family Fun Stuff is not required but is suggested. The bedding works on any Maxis bed frame and any custom bed frame that uses Maxis as a slave. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - TS3 Store Kalliopi Standalone Set for TS2
This is The Sims 3 Store Kalliopi standalone set for The Sims 2. The set only came with 2 items, a mirror and a 3 tile painting. The price of the mirror is §100 and the price of the painting is §350. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
The Sims 2 - The Daruma Wishing Doll as NH Decor (Requested)
This is the Daruma wishing doll sculpture from Seasons EP as NH decor as requested by Sonikan in the chatbox. If you have a request, and I'm able to do something like that feel free to drop a note in the chatbox. Even though it comes from Seasons, Seasons is not required. There was an issue with the texture in the eye which has 2 subsets (which makes no sense to me why you'd want to recolour an eye). So the texture isn't exactly like the original. It's found in Landmark. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Family Fun Castle Dining Table Match & MPS (Family Fun Required)
I love the cute little family fun castle set. Seemed a little incomplete without a dining table to match the chair, so I decided to create one. I personally like one tile tables so it's one tile. Family Fun Stuff is required because it's slaved to the chair. It has no texture other than groundshadow, so if you want to recolour you have to recolour the original family fun castle dining chair. This is an MPS (Multi-Purpose Surface) it is found in desks, end tables, and dining tables in the catalog and functions as all 3 (child, teen, and young adult sims can even do homework on it!) Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Sims 2 - Family Fun Aquamoire Door (Family Fun Required)
This is a match of the Family Fun underwater theme. Family fun stuff is required. It is slaved to the tall Aquamoire one tile Amoire. Any recolours of the original Aquamoire you have in your downloads folder will show up in this as well. There are no textures in this, you will have to recolour the original Aquamoire Amoire in order for recolours to show in this. You need both files in the zip in your downloads folder if you want the door to appear on horizontal walls. Enjoy!