
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


Accessories (117) Added Pie Menu Functions (14) Age/Gender Conversions (37) Alice in Wonderland (9) Angels (5) Aquariums (6) Aspiration Rewards (5) Bars (12) Bathroom (33) Bathtubs (19) Bedding (57) Bedroom (82) Beds (84) Bioshock - TS2 Conversions (8) Body Shapes (25) Body Shop (357) Bookcases (34) Books (4) Buddhism (12) Build Mode (137) Business (46) Buy Mode (1382) Careers (41) CAS items (40) CAS Screens (4) Cher (5) Children (86) Christian (16) Clocks (12) Clothing (138) Collection Files (5) Community Lots (6) Conversion (4) Conversions (1200) Costume Makeup (10) Creators Policies (4) Curtains (14) Decorative Animals (51) Decorative Plants (90) Default Replacements (69) Default Replacements (1) Dining (62) Doors (11) Dressers/Amories (12) Drinks (44) Earrings (29) Easel Replacements (4) Egyptian (19) Electronics (80) Eyes (8) Facial Hair (3) Fantasy (49) Far East or Middle Eastern (132) Fences & Gates (16) Fireplaces (30) Flags (10) Floors (22) Food (240) Game Mods (184) Glasses (19) Gnomes (8) Gothic (73) Ground Cover (3) Grungy (17) Hair (120) Halfwalls (5) Harry Potter (3) Hats (23) Hider Mods (7) Holidays (137) Hot Tubs (14) Judaism (5) King Kong Conversions (3) LACK Match Recolors (15) Lientebollemeis (38) Lighting (79) Living Room (97) Lots (19) LS - TS2 conversions (7) LS - TS3 Conversions (6) Majors (44) Makeup (19) Mature (18) Maxis Match (208) Maxis Outfits as Tops (13) Medieval (167) Michelle (158) Mirrors (14) Miscellaneous (11) Modern (283) Multi-Purpose Surface (9) Murals (29) Nature (121) Necklaces (11) Neighborhood Decor (15) Neighborhood Maps (11) New Meshes (1638) Non Autonomy Mods (17) Nursery (42) Olympics (2) OMSP (33) Once Upon a Time (19) One Tile Maxis Match (14) Other PC - TS2 Conversions (55) Patterns (17) Personal Favorites (43) Pet Beds (10) Pets (24) Playable Dolls/Bears (9) Plumbing (41) Plus Size (21) Pookleted (18) Poses (12) Prehistoric (20) Pride (14) Rabbit Holes (3) Radios (38) Recolors (322) Residential Lots (12) Retro (438) Room Dividers (6) Rugs (17) Scaled Maxis Decor (18) Sci Fi (91) Shelves (17) Sims (52) Sims 2 Idea (30) Site Announcements (20) Site News (16) Sports (14) Stairs (1) Star Trek (30) Star Wars (8) Study (52) Terrain (11) The Lord Of The Rings (9) The Sims 1 (2) The Sims 2 (2369) The Sims 3 (222) The Sims 4 (65) Tiki (35) Toddler Beds (3) TOU (3) Transformers (1) TS1 - TS2 Conversions (1) TS2 - TS3 Conversions (68) TS2 - TS4 Conversions (20) TS3 - TS2 Conversions (383) TS3 - TS4 Conversions (5) TS4 - TS2 Conversions (623) TS4 - TS3 Conversions (2) TSM - TS2 Conversions (17) TSM - TS3 Conversions (3) Tutorials (43) TVs (25) Unlocked Maxis Items (25) UNpotted plants (19) Updated (28) Vehicles (15) Victorian (234) Wall Art (126) Walls (50) Whitney Houston (5) Windows (18) Witches (16) Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions (14)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Sims 2 - 6 Sims 3 Walls for The Sims 2

Included are 6 walls in different areas of the catalog. There are 3 wallpapers, 2 panelings, and one painted wall. These are all converted from The Sims 3 base game. Enjoy!




The Sims 2 - Mulan

Mulan is a character on Once Upon a time. Mulan was on a mission to hunt the beast known as the Yaoguai which was terrorizing her village. She used Belle to hunt the beast, and later was informed that the beast was actually a human, and a prince named Prince Phillip but was cursed. Belle found a way to break the curse with good magic and introduced him to Mulan. Prince Phillip had lost the love of his life Aurora to a sleeping curse. She was later awakened by Prince Phillip, just as soon as he was taken by the wraiths. Prince Phillip's dying wishes were that Mulan watch after Aurora. Mulan, and Aurora with the help of Snow White and Emma Swan managed to trick Captain Hook and Cora from reaching Storybrooke.

The sim is packaged with quite a bit of custom content. All of the creators allow inclusion with sims, so I won't list them all. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Extracted BV Crab as Decorative Object

This is the crab from Bon Voyage extracted as a decorative object. Found in decorative/sculpture and the price is free. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Celine Dion

Short Biography -

Celine Dion is often considered the best female vocalist of the modern era. She began her career in her native Canada singing in French. Her first English album was called Unison and debuted in 1989. Since then she has released several albums in both English and French and one Spanish album, and has had a string of gold and platinum albums, billboard #1 hits, and Grammy awards. Today she tours in Las Vegas.

I had made a Celine Dion sim many years ago on sapphiresims, but it was lost and it's not in the restored sapphire files, so I decided to recreate her. The sim comes packaged with quite a bit of custom content, but I won't list them all since the creators allow inclusion in sims. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Meryl Streep

Short Biography -

Meryl Streep is often regarded as the best actress in movie history. She first burst on to the scene in 1978's The Deer Hunter in a minor role. Her breakout, star making vehicle role was in 1979's Kramer vs. Kramer where she played a divorcee fighting to get custody of her son. Since then, she starred in a string of hits including Out of Africa, Sofie's Choice, Silkwood, The Devil Wears Prada, and many more. Currently she is working on a new film called August: Osage Country due out August of 2013.

The sim is packaged with a lot of custom content. I won't list them all, since the creators allow inclusion in sims. Enjoy!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Sims 2 - The Sims 3 Store Hewnsman Living Chair for The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Store Hewnsman living chair for The Sims 2. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Talk.../Chat is Never a Negative Social

It always bugged me that many times when sims talk to each other, just chatting that sometimes it's a negative social. It shouldn't be negative, if you're talking to someone it would be positive. It doesn't work when they chat just over the phone or with the hangout chat with University EP, only when sims are standing, and you direct them to chat with one another. Plus, it's nice and cheaty to have sims increase their social points easily with other sims just by chatting. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Sims 2 - TS3 Store Hewnsman Single Bed for The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Store Hewnsman single bed for The Sims 2. The bedding is slaved to Maxis, so any custom and all Maxis bedding you have in your downloads folder show up in this as well. Included are the mesh and the recolor to match the set. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Sims 2 - AL Air Vents Move Up and Down Wall (AL Required)

This mod enables the Vim's small and large air vents found in decorative/misc to move up and down the wall with the use of [ and ] keys. Apartment Life is required because this is the EP where these vents come from. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Base Game Conspicious Views Privacy Window

This is the long, narrow base game country stained glass window made into a privacy window. There is a working diagonal window, and they are completely slaved (down to the shadow). Enjoy!

Sims 2 - IKEA - MALM Bedroom Furniture Recolours

18 Pooklet's natural colours of the IKEA 'MALM Bedroom Furniture'
Single Bed - Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Bed. Price: §360.
 Double Bed - Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Bed. Price: §3580.
Chest of Two Drawers - Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > End Tables. Price: §60.
Chest of Three Drawers - Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Dressers. Price: §120.
Chest of Six Drawers - Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Dressers. Price: §190.

Thanks and hugs to Pooklet for the colours.

All files have been compressed and checked in game. Colour chart is included in the zip file.

Enjoy, have fun!

Let me know if you find anything wrong with any of my work,
so it can be fixed and I do not make the same mistake in the future.
Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.
I do this for pleasure, not for profit.
Feel free to use my recolours and include them in your lots, uploaded to free sites only.
However, remember to check the original creator's policies and always link to the originals.
DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim any of my work as your own.
You can find more of my work at Leefish, Mod The Sims & Plumb Bob Keep

Take care and stay safe.

The Sims 2 - Golden Goddess Dress (Maxis Recolor)

This is a dress for young adult and adult ladies. Found in formal and everyday categories. No EP, SP, or mesh is required. The dress has a custom bump map. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Seasons Teen Turtleneck Sweater Outfit Converted for Adults

This is the teen turtleneck sweater outerwear converted for adults. Found in outerwear and everyday. It's base game compatible, but won't show up in outerwear there since there is no clothing for that in the base game without Seasons. Enjoy!

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Sims 2 - No Weeds

This mod will make it so weeds do not appear in sim's gardens at all whether from rain or watering. Not compatible with TwoJeff's mod at simbology which makes weeds not spread if caused by rain. I couldn't find any others like it, so I thought I'd share. Should work with all EPs and The Base. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sims 2 - Blue Suede Chair Recolours

34 Recolours of the Base Game 'Blue Suede Chair'
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Living Chairs. Price: §633.

Items used in my screenshots Blue Suede Completer Set by MsBarrows, Pocci's DewDrop Lamp Recolours by Mustluvcatz, Contempo Curtain by HugeLunatic, Melaka Plants and Fruit bowl by Moune & XM Sims Deco Magazine.

All files have been compressed and checked in game. Colour charts are included in the zip file.

Enjoy, have fun!

Let me know if you find anything wrong with any of my work,
so it can be fixed and I do not make the same mistake in the future.
Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.
I do my work for pleasure, not for profit.
Feel free to use my recolours and include them in your lots, uploaded to free sites only.
However, remember to check the original creator's policies and always link to the originals.
DO NOT re-upload to pay sites and DO NOT claim any of my work as your own.
You can find more of my work at Leefish, Mod The Sims & Plumb Bob Keep

Take care and stay safe.

The Sims 2 - Red Bull

A new drink of Red Bull. Cloned from instant meal, so no cooking skill or EP/SP required. Found in your sim's fridge under have a drink...Red Bull or serve drinks...Red Bull. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Sims 2 - Fakepeeps Skater Boys Converted for Teens

Fakepeeps recently gave me permission to convert her children meshes to teen, so here are her skater boys outfits converted for teens. One thing I had a hard time with was the blocky shoulders, hopefully you can look past it, I think it's a thing with children to teen conversions which is why you don't see too many around. Enjoy!