
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Sims 2 - Buddhism Major

It only seemed natural to me that sims would study Buddhism, as it's a major world religion, and people study it all the time. If you ever wanted your sim to study Buddhism, then this major is right up your alley! You will need Majors Made Easier by FrikaC at modthesims for it to work. If you don't have Majors Made Easier the game will crash! To use place the Majors Made Easier painting in buy mode. In live mode, select the custom major of your choice. This major has been play-tested and is known to function 100% properly. Cloned from the Biology major so all class times and skills required are the same as that major. The icon has a transparent background.

Here is a run-down of the class titles -

Class Title 1
Siddhārtha Gautama and the Legend of Becoming Buddha
Class Title 2
Saṃsāra "The Cycle of Life and Death".
Class Title 3
Karma - (from Sanskrit: "action, work") in Buddhism is the force that drives Saṃsāra—the cycle of suffering and rebirth.
Class Title 4
Rebirth - Rebirth refers to a process whereby beings go through a succession of lifetimes.
Class Title 5
The Four Noble Truths - The teachings on the Four Noble Truths are regarded as central Buddhism.
Class Title 6
Nirvana - Nirvana means "cessation", (of craving and ignorance) and the cycle of quieted calm.
Class Title 7
Buddhas - Siddhārtha Gautama was not the only Buddha. The Pali Canon refers to many previous ones.
Class Title 8
Senior Thesis: Meditation, Enlightenment, Nirvana, and Beyond.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Sims 2 - Base Game Teen Female Flared Flow Tank - Plus Size

I'm very satisfied with this plus sized mesh, and I think you will like it too. It's a plus size version of the base game teen flared flow tank outfit for teen females. It's only wearable by teen females, only in everyday category. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Plus Sized Swimwear and Recolors

I had been meaning to do some plus sized swimwear that looked good for so long, but it was so hard with swimwear doing plus sized outfits are much easier than something where a sim is mostly unclothed. I like the way this finally turned out. Included are the mesh and 6 recolors, one for each color of the rainbow. Enjoy!

Monday, January 28, 2013

The Sims 2 - Plus Sized Chef and Cop Uniforms (UPD Non-Default)

These uniforms will default replace the Chef and Cop uniforms from the base game. Any career sims that use these uniforms as well as NPCs will be default replaced. The chef shown below is an average sized sim (forgot to make him fat), the cop is the fat morph. If your sim has already morphed into fat, they will appear considerably larger than the chef outfit (about the size of the cop uniform pictured). Enjoy!

 I've updated this with a non-default version shown below are all fat morphs

The Sims 2 - Sherahbim's Heart of The Forrest - Plus Size

This is a plus size version of Sherahbim's Heart of the Forrest recolor. Neither the original recolor nor the mesh, nor any EPs/SPs are required. Both the mesh creator, and Sherahbim allow other creators to use their meshes/textures as long as the download remains free. For Young Adult to Elder women only. In Everyday, Formal, and Outerwear clothing categories. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Sims 2 - Cleopatra Hair - Updated to Add Less Traditional Version

This hair is a new mesh inspired by the ever so elegant Queen of The Nile Mrs. Cleopatra herself. The textures are my own. The hair is based off of the Maxis mid length curly hair, it's flatter and wider and bigger to give that Egyptian look. The hair is for ages Young Adult, Adult, and Elder women only. The hair is binned. I'm not sure if it's animated or not. If the original Maxis mid length curly hairstyle was animated then it is, if not, it's not. The hair comes in black color only, though if there is a huge demand for it, I will update with the rest of the natural hair colors. Poly count is 1,656 which is the same as the Maxis hair it was cloned from. The hair is base game compatible.


I've Updated this mesh to add a less traditional, fuller back. I personally didn't like the traditional Egyptian version, but wanted it that way for purists. In the updated version, the front is unchanged. I've also found, while in game that both the non-traditional version and the traditional version are animated. The non-traditional version is linked to the same recolor and has the same mesh name as the traditional version, so you can't have both in your game. Enjoy!

Updated Less-Traditional Version from the Back

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Sims 2 - One Tile Teen Style Dresser (TSS Required)

Here is the one tile version of the Teen Style surfer dresser. Teen style is required because it is slaved to the Teen Style dresser. So if you want the textures to show up, you will have to have Teen Style Stuff installed. The Price is the same as the Teen Style dresser.

The Sims 2 - Gypsy Matchmaker Uses Plus Size FT Gypsy Outfit (FT Not Required)

This is a plus size version of the Gypsy Matchmaker from Nightlife. Nightlife is required because this is the EP she comes with, however Freetime is not. I don't currently have Freetime installed, I had the texture and mesh from my upload here of the plus size Freetime Gypsy outfit. This is a different mesh from my plus size Freetime gypsy outfit. This will replace the Gypsy Matchmaker, so you shouldn't use this with another Gypsy Matchmaker default replacement. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Plus Sized Teen Style Graphic Tee Outfit

This is the Teen Style graphic tee outfit made plus size. I never actually uploaded a male plus size mesh before, and I had wanted to do this particular outfit set (my favorite) in plus size way back when I first learned how to do plus size meshes, but I couldn't get the legs quite right and made it too big. Now it's just right not too big, legs are perfect. Shown below is the fat morph. On average sized sims they will appear bigger than Maxis, but considerably smaller than pictured. For teen males only, only in Everyday category. Teen Style Stuff is not required (base game compatible). Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Sporty Shadows

Some nice, sporty eyeshadows for your sims. Wearable by females ages teen through elder only. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Plus Sized Medieval Vampire Outfit

I've taken the Medieval Vampire outfit from Nightlife EP and given it a more curvy look. It's wearable by Young Adult through Elder females only. The clothing categories are Everyday/Formal/Outerwear. There is a fat morph (pictured). The average sized sim in this mesh will be larger than Maxis defaults, yet much thinner than pictured. Nightlife is not required (Base Game compatible). Included are the mesh and 2 recolors to match the Maxis colors. Enjoy!

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Sims 2 - Plus Sized Asian Tiger Outfit

This is the plus sized Asian tiger outfit from the base game. The outfit is wearable by ages Young Adult through Elder female in everyday and formal wear categories. The sim shown below is Maxis soft (plus size) on a fit or average sim, the mesh will be considerably thinner yet larger than the Maxis default. On slower connections, you must wait for the screenshot to finish materializing. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - 70's, 80's, 90's - 80's Wall Light (2 Subsets & Recolors)

This was already divided up into two subsets by EA so that made my job hella easier. Included are the mesh and 6 recolors (2 recolors of the back part, 4 recolors of the squiggly thing in the middle which is the 2nd subset). You may want to click these photos for larger views to be able to see the color choices better. Enjoy!

Mesh and Recolors


The Sims 2 - 70's, 80's, 90's - 80's TV

This is The Sims 3 70's, 80's, 90's Stuff 1980's TV for The Sims 2. Included are the TV and 2 recolors to match EA's presets. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Sims 2 - 70's, 80's, 90's Swivel Living Chair - 2 Subsets

I started to do this my old-fashioned way, and just make this one subset which is the easy way out because TS3 meshes usually don't have 2 unless it's glass and you have to use a lot of extra elbow grease, but I decided what the hell. Included is the mesh and 2 recolors of both subsets to match EA's presets. In the first picture, the mesh is chair Julien is in, recolor 1 is the yellow and black chair, and recolor 2 is the white chair. Enjoy!

Mesh and Recolors

The Sims 2 - 70's, 80's, 90's Paintings

Here are all of the Sims 3 70's, 80's, 90's Stuff paintings for The Sims 2. They all have wallshadows. Included are the meshes and 2 recolors of each mesh to match EA's presets. Enjoy!

Freezer Bunny Mesh

Freezer Bunny Recolors

Pinup Mesh

Pinup Recolors

Vintage Mesh (far left) & Recolors

The Sims 2 - 70's, 80's, 90's - 90's Lounge Chair

This is the 90's lounger (recliner) from The Sims 3 70's, 80's, 90's SP for The Sims 2. Included are the mesh and 2 recolors to match EA's presets. The mesh is the lounger that Julien Cooke (yes that's Julien! Gave him a makeover) is sitting in. Recolor 1 is the red and white one, recolor 2 is the black one. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - 70's, 80's, 90's Industrial Plant 4 Sizes, Slaved with 2 Subsets

I just really fell in love with this whole SP but especially this plant, and I realized there is so much more that can be done with it. So I made it available in 4 sizes and cut the mesh up into 2 subsets for your designing pleasure. All of the meshes are slaved to the largest plant, so the largest plant is required for the textures in the smaller ones to show up. Also, the smaller plants are not recolorable, only the largest plant is recolorable since it is the master mesh. Included are the meshes and 2 recolors of both the leaves and pot of the largest plant, pot to match EA's presets, leaves my own presets. Both of the table plants have the added BHAV CT-Allow with Food for centerpiece functionality. Floor plants cost 120, table plants cost 110. Enjoy!

Update just now - I just noticed in game that there's some little weirdness with the texture turning black after zooming out. I have fixed this now, so sorry about that. Please re-download.



The Sims 3 - CASTable 70's, 80's, 90's Industrial Plant

Yeah I got the new SP just for the sole intent purpose of converting the stuff over to TS2, but I saw this plant (which I do plan on converting soon btw) and I remembered my old glory days of making TS3 plants CASTable. EA really didn't think that leaves and/or flowers come in more color than one I guess. The plant now has 3 channels instead of 2. Shown below are the default color/pattern choices. Enjoy!