Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads.
We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.
Added Pie Menu Functions
Age/Gender Conversions
Alice in Wonderland
Aspiration Rewards
Bioshock - TS2 Conversions
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Hider Mods
Hot Tubs
King Kong Conversions
LACK Match Recolors
Living Room
LS - TS2 conversions
LS - TS3 Conversions
Maxis Match
Maxis Outfits as Tops
Multi-Purpose Surface
Neighborhood Decor
Neighborhood Maps
New Meshes
Non Autonomy Mods
Once Upon a Time
One Tile Maxis Match
Other PC - TS2 Conversions
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TS2 - TS4 Conversions
TS3 - TS2 Conversions
TS3 - TS4 Conversions
TS4 - TS2 Conversions
TS4 - TS3 Conversions
TSM - TS2 Conversions
TSM - TS3 Conversions
Unlocked Maxis Items
UNpotted plants
Wall Art
Whitney Houston
Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions
Monday, December 31, 2012
The Sims 2 - Fruit Salad (With Custom Dishes)
The custom dishes in this have their own GUIDs so you can use them with or without my fried bananas custom dinnerware even though they are the same dishes as that. Cloned from chef salad, so it functions as such, except sims can prepare for breakfast as well. Enjoy!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Sims 2 - Fried Bananas With Custom Dishes
These fried bananas are cloned from pork chops. The only thing I changed from the functionality of pork chops is that they are now available for all 3 meals instead of just dinner. Since they are cloned from pork chops, there is a coin flip chance that sims will sometimes fry on the stove and flip, and sometimes sims will fry on the stove then bake in the oven or toaster oven if there is no oven. Since they are cloned from pork chops a high amount of cooking skill is needed for your sim in order for them to show up. You MUST have BOTH the plate/platter files in order for it to FUNCTION! The custom plates are not default replacement plates, so you can use them with default replacement dinnerware. The custom plates have their own GUIDs, and of course the food does as well. Of course, as always the self-referencing has been fixed to allow sims to use them. Enjoy!
The Sims 3 - Life Stories Reward Table Stereo for The Sims 3
This is The Sims Life Stories reward table stereo for The Sims 3. The stereo has 1 channel, and 3 default presets shown below. Enjoy!
I found the file on The Wayback Machine.
The Sims 3 - Life Stories Floor Mirror for The Sims 3
I realize the screenshot may not be the best in the world, but it's the best I can do since my current computer won't load TS3. I have to take pics directly from TSRW instead of in game. I asked at BPS if someone would like to take screenshots for me, and haven't had any takers yet. Anyway, this is The Sims Life Stories floor mirror for The Sims 3. The mirror has 3 channels, and one default preset. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Sims 2 - An Empty Medieval Box
This is something I shared many years ago with Sapphiresims2.com and TheNinthWaveSims.org. Since both sites are now gone, and I recently found a lot of files from those sites, I can now re-upload. You must keep in mind you MUST use the cheats move_objects on AND BoolProp SnapObjectsToGrid false if you want to put more than one item in the box! Found in surfaces/miscellaneous. Enjoy!
Decorative and Buyable/Readable Medieval Tomes
The decorative tomes are found in decorative/sculpture and cost 20 simoleons. The buyable and readable tomes are found in hobbies/knowledge and cost 20 simoleons. The pie menu for the readable ones reads "Read Chaucer's Canterbury Tales" There are 2 subsets to the decorative ones for plenty of design options. The readable ones have one subset and 3 recolors.
Decorative Mesh
Decorative Recolors
Readable Mesh
Readable Recolors
Friday, December 28, 2012
The Sims 2 - No Gridlines EVAR!
I had not wanted to upload this for ages. This is something I never shared because MTS didn't like it back when I was sharing with them. I posted in Creator Feedback there, and about half the people loved it, the other half hated it. So I posted in Creator Issues asking them if it would be good to upload, and a mod told me nah, no use for it, it helps with placement, blah blah blah. That was until I needed it for an upload I was doing where it required a night shot, and you can't have night in options mode on an unoccupied lot. So I decided I would make it for my personal use only. To save me some trouble (because if someone already made it, it would make my job a lot easier) I ended up here. Then I realized, I had to share it, and remembered all the good players who said they really wanted it so many years ago. So here it is, no grid lines in buy/build modes EVER again. This goes for outdoor and indoor. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Sims 2 - TS3 Supernatural Honey Jar for TS2
This is The Sims 3 Supernatural honey jar for The Sims 2. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Single Bed & Wall for TS2
I was a little bit hesitant about getting Katy Perry's Sweet Treats because I thought that most people converted all the stuff already, but I decided to go ahead and get it, and I noticed no one converted the single bed or the wall. So here it is. The wall is found in tile and costs 8 simoleons. The bedding on the bed is slaved to Maxis so any custom or Maxis bedding will show up in this bed. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Sims 2 - TS3 Supernatural Magic Mirrror for TS2
This is The Sims 3 Supernatural Magic Mirror for The Sims 2. I usually don't make mirrors because they're difficult to align the mirror up to the frame, but I decided to give it a go. It's not 100% perfect (you may notice some gaps at some angles), but I'm sure you can overlook it. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - TS3 Supernatural Antique Lighting Set for TS2
I didn't see where anyone converted the lighting from the Supernatural EP, so I decided to go for it. Included are 3 meshes (ceiling light - non fading, table light, and floor light) and 2 recolors of each mesh to match EA's presets. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - TS3 Store Headband Hip Hair for TS2
This is The Sims 3 Store Headband Hip hair from the 2011 Sept Compilation for The Sims 2. The hair is binned and familized, though not animated. Available for ages YA to Elder women only. The hair is also Pookleted. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
The Sims 2 - Store Ice Lounge Dining Stuff for TS2
Here are the remaining items of The Sims 3 Store Seasons Ice set that I know how to make. Included in the set are 2 dining tables, a dining chair, a ceiling light (with no camera fade), and a column. You can find the wall and floor here. Enjoy!
Dining Table 1:
Dining Table 2:
The Sims 2 - Store Ice Lounge Living Room for The Sims 2
Here are some more things from The Sims 3 Store Seasons Ice set for The Sims 2. Included in the set are a sofa, a loveseat, a coffee table, and a wall light. The wall and floor can be found here. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Store Ice Lounge Bar Stuff for The Sims 2
Here are the bar stuff from The Sims 3 Store Seasons Ice set for The Sims 2. The wall and floor can be downloaded Here Enjoy!
Monday, December 10, 2012
A Better Way To Browse Conversions
In addition to the Conversions label which shows all Conversions as I upload them in real time, I've added 6 sub-category conversions. TS3 - TS2 Conversions, TS2 - TS3 Conversions, TSM - TS2 Conversions, TSM - TS3 Conversions, LS - TS2 Conversions, and Age/Gender Conversions. If you don't already know about the labels, they are located on the left side of the site after scrolling down a ways. You can click on the words and they will take you to all downloads of that type. These new labels will most likely only appear on my own creations and not lient's, she might decide to include them in some of her's, but I haven't told her about it yet. This should make it a much easier way to browse all the many conversions here and get you to the ones you are interested in most, instead of being more a hodge-podge of every type of conversion. Enjoy the new labels!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
The Sims 2 - BB Kitchen Basic in Elegant Wood & Tile Recolor
This is another recolor of Buggybooz Kitchen Basic set. Only the counter is recolored because it is the master. All of the other furniture in the set will show these recolors as well except for the fridge which wasn't recolorable to begin with, and the metal parts in the dishwasher or stove. I decided to make this sleek, modern looking version as well because not everybody goes for grunge. You must have Buggy's original set found Here because the meshes aren't included. Enjoy!
Download Here
I am sorry, the link to these recolours is broken, I have searched all Jon's files and have been unable to find these recolours.
If anyone has these recolours, in their files, please contact me.
Take care and stay safe.
September 23, 2018.
I am sorry, the link to these recolours is broken, I have searched all Jon's files and have been unable to find these recolours.
If anyone has these recolours, in their files, please contact me.
Take care and stay safe.
September 23, 2018.
The Sims 2 - Kitchen Broken (Grunge Recolor of BB Kitchen Basic)
Included is a recolor of Buggybooz from MTS Kitchen basic counter. Only the counter has been recolored because it is the master. This one recolor will also show up in any of the other Kitchen Basic furniture as well except for the fridge which wasn't recolorable to begin with, and the metal parts in the dishwasher and stove. You must have Buggy's Kitchen Basic from MTS Here because the meshes aren't included. Many thanks to Buggy for allowing recolors and providing the very helpful recolor template. Enjoy!
Download Here
I am sorry, the link to these recolours is broken, I have searched all Jon's files and have been unable to find these recolours.
If anyone has these recolours, in their files, please contact me.
Take care and stay safe.
September 23, 2018.
I am sorry, the link to these recolours is broken, I have searched all Jon's files and have been unable to find these recolours.
If anyone has these recolours, in their files, please contact me.
Take care and stay safe.
September 23, 2018.
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Bailwood Living Set for The Sims 2
This is The Sims Life Stories bailwood living set for The Sims 2. Included in the set are an armchair, a sofa, and loveseat. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Hot Tub for All for The Sims 2
This is The Sims Life Stories Hot Tub for All for The Sims 2. It's found in hot tubs and costs 2,500 simoleons. This also was a reward object, so I'm not sure if it has any special functions if any. It's probably just a nice looking hot tub. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Batista Station for The Sims 2 (Residential)
This is The Sims Life Stories Batista station for The Sims 2. It's been made to go in residential lots as well as community. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Back to The Land Dining Set for The Sims 2
This is The Sims Life Stories Back To The Land dining set for The Sims 2. Added the table, so sorry. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Plasma Quad TV for The Sims 2
This is The Sims Life Stories Plasma Quad TV for The Sims 2. Just as the espresso machine, this TV was a reward. It probably has no other functions than just being a cool TV, but if it had any other functions in Life Stories, it has those as well. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Epstien's Espresso Machine for The Sims 2
This is The Sims Life Stories Epstien's Espresso Machine for The Sims 2. It was a reward in Life Stories, so I don't know exactly what it does but it does have all of the functions as that Life Stories reward. I do know that you can make espresso with it, other than that I don't know of anything it does special because I never had a chance to really test it out. Enjoy!
The Sims 3 - A Glimpse of Crystal Eyes (Contacts)
This is from my very own way back machine I found affinity under my old uploads. They are contacts (costume makeup eyes) and have 2 channels. Enjoy!
The Sims 2 - Life Stories Double Bed for The Sims 2
For a long time I stayed away from the Stories series conversions because of MTS' policy about it, but I really wanted to convert some things from that set so I decided I would. Other well-known creators have already converted some Stories things for Sims 2 and don't seem to have any problems. Also, it might have been done before by someone out there, but I don't check other sims communities to see if they converted things or not. By the way, you may include this or any other Sims Stories conversions I do in the future in your lots, but you aren't allowed to include them in lots on MTS because of that policy. The bedding in this bed is repository linked to Maxis so Maxis and custom bedding show up in this. Enjoy!
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