
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Monday, November 12, 2012

The Sims 2 - Collectibles Enthusiast Career (Adult)

Well, irl I've found a new hobby of collecting antiques, so I thought I'd make a career along those lines. I didn't have time to make any chance cards, but if a lot of people say they really need them I can maybe go back and add some. It has the same icon as my historian career. Here is a run-down of the career.

Level 1 - Coin Collector

You are scouring the local shops of Sim City to find the rarest coins you can. You will then take the coins to the local coin and antique pawn dealers to see if you can get more money than you paid for them. Always keep in mind that pawn dealers are always looking out for themselves, and will always give you the least amount of money that they can.

Level 2 - Magazine Collector

You've found that coin dealing is extremely tricky. One coin could be worth one price just based on the year it was minted, when another coin could be worth an even lower price even though it was released years before. You've decided that coins aren't that lucrative, so you've decided to venture off into collecting antiquated magazines. Who knows what rare magazines you will find next.

Level 3 - Book Collector

Now you are in the business of collecting rare and antiquated books. Anything and everything you can find, from an old book from 1654 about the Knights Templar, to a collection of Abraham Lincoln's letters published in 1907. Anything rare and unusual usually goes for quite a good deal of money these days.

Level 4 - Figurine Collector

Books aren't your thing anymore? You've decided to focus your attention on rare and collectible figurines. You've found some pretty interesting pieces while scouring the local shops. Including a very rare set of Rococo male and female bow and curtsey figures. Who knows your collection could be worth a lot of money.

Level 5 - Autographed Photo Collector

You've decided to focus your attention now on something a bit more modern collecting autographed photos. Especially from celebrities who don't usually autograph. These are the types of things that are very rare, especially if they are very famous such as Madonna or Bob Dylan.

Level 6 - Retro Toys and Games Collector

You are now interested in dealing with vintage and retro toys and games. The ones that go for the most amount of money are the ones that are still in the original packaging and never been opened. These retro toys and games can include anything from a first edition monopoly board game, to a classic 1970's Luke Skywalker action figure in original packaging.

Level 7 - Antique Furniture Collector

You've gotten so much money from selling your other rare collectibles, that you are now in a position to buy and resell antique furniture. Of course, you can't get anything that's already in a museum, but you can get the next best thing, such as furniture made by artists who have worked with Queen Victoria in making her royal home look extra extravagant.

Level 8 - Vintage Car Dealer

You are now souping up old cars, to bring them back into factory condition. You specialize in cars built from 1911 - 1960. There's a high price to pay for these rare automobiles and you are willing to pay it, if you can make some money off of it that is.

Level 9 - Museum Curator

You are now a museum curator. You are the head of the local museum since you are an expert in all things historical, antique, retro, and vintage.

Level 10 - Appraiser for The Antiques Roadshow

You have been asked by PBS to be an appraiser for the Antique's Roadshow. You will use your expertise to guide others in how they should go about selling their old antiques. You've seen a lot of rare collectibles, and you've seen some that weren't worth what they were made of. You certainly do know your way around all things historical, antique, retro, and vintage.

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Link Fixed January 19, 2024

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello :), sorry but link is broken.