
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


Accessories (117) Added Pie Menu Functions (14) Age/Gender Conversions (37) Alice in Wonderland (9) Angels (5) Aquariums (6) Aspiration Rewards (5) Bars (12) Bathroom (33) Bathtubs (19) Bedding (57) Bedroom (82) Beds (84) Bioshock - TS2 Conversions (8) Body Shapes (25) Body Shop (357) Bookcases (34) Books (4) Buddhism (12) Build Mode (137) Business (46) Buy Mode (1382) Careers (41) CAS items (40) CAS Screens (4) Cher (5) Children (86) Christian (16) Clocks (12) Clothing (138) Collection Files (5) Community Lots (6) Conversion (4) Conversions (1200) Costume Makeup (10) Creators Policies (4) Curtains (14) Decorative Animals (51) Decorative Plants (90) Default Replacements (69) Default Replacements (1) Dining (62) Doors (11) Dressers/Amories (12) Drinks (44) Earrings (29) Easel Replacements (4) Egyptian (19) Electronics (80) Eyes (8) Facial Hair (3) Fantasy (49) Far East or Middle Eastern (132) Fences & Gates (16) Fireplaces (30) Flags (10) Floors (22) Food (240) Game Mods (184) Glasses (19) Gnomes (8) Gothic (73) Ground Cover (3) Grungy (17) Hair (120) Halfwalls (5) Harry Potter (3) Hats (23) Hider Mods (7) Holidays (137) Hot Tubs (14) Judaism (5) King Kong Conversions (3) LACK Match Recolors (15) Lientebollemeis (38) Lighting (79) Living Room (97) Lots (19) LS - TS2 conversions (7) LS - TS3 Conversions (6) Majors (44) Makeup (19) Mature (18) Maxis Match (208) Maxis Outfits as Tops (13) Medieval (167) Michelle (158) Mirrors (14) Miscellaneous (11) Modern (283) Multi-Purpose Surface (9) Murals (29) Nature (121) Necklaces (11) Neighborhood Decor (15) Neighborhood Maps (11) New Meshes (1638) Non Autonomy Mods (17) Nursery (42) Olympics (2) OMSP (33) Once Upon a Time (19) One Tile Maxis Match (14) Other PC - TS2 Conversions (55) Patterns (17) Personal Favorites (43) Pet Beds (10) Pets (24) Playable Dolls/Bears (9) Plumbing (41) Plus Size (21) Pookleted (18) Poses (12) Prehistoric (20) Pride (14) Rabbit Holes (3) Radios (38) Recolors (322) Residential Lots (12) Retro (438) Room Dividers (6) Rugs (17) Scaled Maxis Decor (18) Sci Fi (91) Shelves (17) Sims (52) Sims 2 Idea (30) Site Announcements (20) Site News (16) Sports (14) Stairs (1) Star Trek (30) Star Wars (8) Study (52) Terrain (11) The Lord Of The Rings (9) The Sims 1 (2) The Sims 2 (2369) The Sims 3 (222) The Sims 4 (65) Tiki (35) Toddler Beds (3) TOU (3) Transformers (1) TS1 - TS2 Conversions (1) TS2 - TS3 Conversions (68) TS2 - TS4 Conversions (20) TS3 - TS2 Conversions (383) TS3 - TS4 Conversions (5) TS4 - TS2 Conversions (623) TS4 - TS3 Conversions (2) TSM - TS2 Conversions (17) TSM - TS3 Conversions (3) Tutorials (43) TVs (25) Unlocked Maxis Items (25) UNpotted plants (19) Updated (28) Vehicles (15) Victorian (234) Wall Art (126) Walls (50) Whitney Houston (5) Windows (18) Witches (16) Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions (14)

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Sims 2 - Ambitions Messy Bob for The Sims 2

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 Ambitions messy bob for The Sims 2. The hair is for Young Adult, Adult, and Elder women only. The hair is binned, familized, and is not animated. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
 September 1, 2015

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Sims 3 - HELS Bob for Toddlers

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Adult hair for toddlers. The hair is for toddler females only. It kind of reminds me of something a Vulcan or Romulan would have, or maybe just a retro girl. Enjoy!


Download Here

Link Fixed
July 22, 2015

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Sims 3 - Child Female Afro Braids for Toddlers

This is a conversion of the thick Afro beaded braids from child to toddler females. The hair looks best with dark colors. The beads in the hair have 3 channels, and one default pattern/color choice shown below. The hair is found under hair with hats/accessories. To download wait for the ad to go away,
then click "skip advertisement" in the upper right hand corner. If the ad is too intrusive, download adblock plus. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Sims 2 - Store Lucky Palms Curtains for TS2

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 Store Lucky Palms set curtains for The Sims 2. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
September 1, 2015

The Sims 2 - Store Prickly Pears for TS2

This is The Sims 3 Store Prickly Pears from the Lucky Palms set for The Sims 2. It's found in build mode/flowers and build mode/shrubs. The plant does not require watering or trimming. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
July 18, 2015

The Sims 2 - WA Egyptian Seating Set

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 World Adventures loveseat. I've also made new meshes of a sofa and living chair to match. The sofa and living chair are repository linked to the loveseat, so the loveseat is required in order to see the textures of the living chair and sofa. I've also included recolors of the loveseat to match EA presets (with a new little trick I learned for extracting the colored texture). Any recolors of the loveseat you may have in your downloads folder will also show up in the sofa and living chair. The sofa and living chair are not recolorable. Enjoy!



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Link Fixed
September 1, 2015

The Sims 3 - Guinan's Hat (Restored File)

This is something I ran across in my mediafire files today from theninthwavesims.org. It's Guinan's hat from Star Trek The Next Generation. The hat has one channel. I'm not sure how many presets it has. It's found under accessories. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
September 1, 2015

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Sims 3 - Madonna and Child Statue Sims 3 Version

This is The Sims 3 version of my Madonna and Child statue. Once again many thanks to Inria Meshes Research Database for allowing free distribution of their meshes. The statue has one channel, and 3 default color/pattern choices shown below. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
September 1, 2015


Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Sims 2 - Madonna and Child Staute

Thanks so much first of all to Inria meshes research database site for allowing free distribution of their meshes. This is a statue of Madonna and child. Found in decorative/sculpture costing 5,000 simoleons. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
September 1, 2015

The Sims 3 - AL Pre-Order Living Chair for TS3

This is a chair that came with Apartment Life if you pre-ordered the game now for The Sims 3. The chair has 2 channels, and 3 default color/pattern choices shown below. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
September 1, 2015

The Sims 3 - Ikea Pre-Order Office Chair for TS3

This is an office chair that came with The Sims 2 Ikea Home stuff if you pre-ordered it for The Sims 3. The chair has 2 channels, and 3 default color/pattern choices shown below. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
June 21, 2015

The Sims 3 - Ikea Pre-Order Living Chair for TS3

This is a living chair that came with the special edition pre-order of The Sims 2 Ikea Home Stuff. The chair has 2 channels, and 3 default color/pattern choices shown below. Expect more pre-order conversions coming soon! Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
September 1, 2015

The Sims 2 - Store Province China Cabinet for TS2

This is The Sims 3 Store Province set China cabinet for The Sims 2. Found in decorative/sculpture costing 1,500 simoleons. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
January 5, 2016


Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Sims 2 - Store Boudiour Living Chair For The Sims 2

This is The Sims 3 Store Boudiour living chair for The Sims 2. (If you want the recolor template, just ask). Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
September 7, 2015

As requested, here is the recolor template. The recolor template only works for the living chair, and not the matching loveseat, as they use different textures.

Recolor Template 

Link Fixed
September 7, 2015

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Sims 2 - TS3 Store Japanese Inspiration Baskets for TS2

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 Store Japanese baskets decor for The Sims 2. Found in decorative/misc costing 160 simoleons. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
October 3, 2015

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Sims 2 - Vietnamese Buddha

This is the traditional Vietnamese Buddha statue. I know he was a long time coming, but I couldn't find a low enough (using the term lightly, they are all high) poly mesh on Inria meshes research database site. Thanks again to Inria meshes database for allowing free distribution of their meshes. Sims 3 version coming very soon. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
October 9, 2015


Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Sims 2 - Summer Day Dining Set

Included in the set are dining chairs and a recolor of the base game patio table to match. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
January 5, 2016

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Sims 2 - Opang Relaxer Living Chair

Included is the mesh and 4 recolors of both subsets, so you can mix and match any way you choose. Found in living chairs. Enjoy!



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Link Fixed
January 5, 2016


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Sims 2 - Showtime Candelabra

This is The Sims 3 Showtime Candelabra for The Sims 2. When the Candelabra is placed it's just the candelabra and candles. When you turn the light on the flame appears. Found in floor lamps. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
January 5, 2016


The Sims 2 - TS3 Store Adrenaline Rush Trophy for TS2

In honor of the 2012 Summer Olympics, this is The Sims 3 Store Adrenaline Rush trophy for The Sims 2. The trophy will also fit on OFB shelving, Apartment Life shelving, and Bon Voyage shelving units. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
October 3, 2015

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Sims 3 - Generations Glasses for Children

These are the Generations adult glasses for children. Wearable by girls only. The glasses have one channel  and 3 default color/pattern choices which are the same as the adult glasses and shown below. Enjoy!

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Link Fixed
January 5, 2016


Friday, July 6, 2012

The Sims 3 - Wings for Kids

This is a conversion of my wings for adults for children. They are wearable by both genders. Unlike the wings for adults, these have 2 channels, so you can recolor the highlights. There are 3 default color/pattern choices shown below. One suitable for angels, one for imps, and one for fairies. I don't plan on making this for The Sims 2 because I don't know which joints I should assign in Sims 2, that's why I didn't convert the adult wings when I made them to begin with. You should click the pictures to see a larger picture if you want to see the details. Enjoy!

Link Fixed
January 5, 2016

The Sims 3 - Chinese Buddha Sims 3 Version

This is The Sims 3 version of my Sims 2 Chinese Buddha statue. Once again many thanks to the Indria Meshes Research Database for permission to use their meshes. The statue is found in decorative/misc. and decorative sculpture and has one channel and three default color/pattern choices which are shown below. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
September 12, 2015

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Sims 2 - Chinese Buddha Statue

I was told that the other Buddha statue I uploaded was the Thai Buddha, so here is the traditional Chinese Buddha. Once again thanks to the Indria Meshes Research Database for allowing their meshes to be used. Found in decorative/sculpture costing 400 simoleons. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
October 9, 2015


The Sims 2 - Print Tops for Girls

Here are 3 lovely print tops for your little princesses. Wearable by child females only. Base game compatible Maxis recolors no mesh needed. Enjoy!


Download Here

Link Fixed
January 5, 2016


The Sims 3 - Buddha Statue Sims 3 Version

This is The Sims 3 version of my Buddha statue. Once again thanks to the Indri Meshes Research Database for providing free meshes for personal use. The statue has one channel and 3 default color/pattern choices shown below. Found in decorative/misc. and decorative/sculptures. Enjoy!

Download Here

File Fixed
October 9, 2015


The Sims 2 - Buddha Statue

Many thanks to Inra Meshes Research Data site for hosting so many great meshes free for anyone to use for whatever reason. This is a Buddha statue. Found in decorative/sculpture costing 400 simoleons. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
January 5, 2016


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Sims 2 - UNI male Hair for Females UNI Required

This is the University male hair for females. University is required because the hair is repository linked to the male hair to save on file size. The hair is binned, familiarize, and animated. Available for young adult, adult, and elder females only. Enjoy!

Many thanks to Theresa 
for responding to C.Syde65's appeal for help to fix this hair 
for giving permission to upload the fixed hair here at TheNinthWaveSims.