
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Sims 2 - Superstar Career

I always wanted my sims to continue on the legacy that The Sims 1 brought us for the entertainment industry in The Sims 1 Superstar for The Sims 2, but Maxis decided to skip over that, and release it with Sims 3 (boo!) I personally didn't care too much for the way the custom superstar career was written up on mts, and I wanted to do a career like this for a long time but never got around to writing it until now. The career has 6 chance cards written up, as well as it's own unique GUID, so it won't overwrite any custom or Maxis careers. The career levels have a number by them, so you can keep track of where your sim is going. The career reward is the teleprompter (not sure if that comes with an EP or not, if so you need that EP). Now one thing to keep in mind, you will need at least one EP for this career to work. If a lot of people say they need a base game compatible version, I will make one if not I'll leave it as is. It doesn't matter which EP you have as long as you have one of them. Otherwise the game will crash if you try to install this career with base game only. I've thrown in some obvious alterations of celebrity names, awards, and companies in the job descriptions and chance cards to spice things up a bit.

Career Levels and Job Descriptions:

1. Commercial Extra -

Male Description :

You want to be a star! Unfortunately, you have to start from the bottom and work your way up just like everyone else. You don't have any lines in this commercial for Londoste, the well-known restaurant chain serving the upper class sims, but you will get your handsome face on camera, and that's a start.

Female Description:

You want to be a star! Unfortunately, you have to start from the bottom and work your way up just like everyone else. You don't have any lines in this commercial for Londoste, the well-known restaurant chain serving the upper class sims, but you will get your pretty face on camera, and that's a start.

2. Understudy on Simway

Well you now have some lines, even some singing parts in this role, only one problem. You have to wait and see if the star of the play gets sick, hurt, or otherwise can't fulfill their duties. However, this is the big leagues, not some minor play off-Simway. When you tell the star of the play to "Break a leg" in rehearsal, you actually mean it literally!

3. Short Speaking Role on The Bland and The Beautiful

Male Description:

You have landed a short speaking role as a waiter on the popular daytime soap "The Bland and The Beautiful". You will be saying "Welcome to Londoste, may I take your order?" to the character Melanie, the strong-willed matriarch of the Forestry family. This is harder than it looks, it involves hours of rehearsal to get the scene to what the director likes. Keep up those charisma and creativity skills, you will certainly need them for later on!

Female Description:

You have landed a short speaking role as a waitress on the popular daytime soap "The Bland and The Beautiful". You will be saying "Welcome to Londoste, may I take your order?" to the character Melanie, the strong-willed matriarch of the Forestry family. This is harder than it looks, it involves hours of rehearsal to get the scene to what the director likes. Keep up those charisma and creativity skills, you will certainly need them for later on!

4. Starring Role on The Bland and The Beautiful

Lights! Camera! Action! You are certainly on your way to the top now! You've used your charm, good looks, and charisma to work your way on to a starring role of the critically acclaimed, award-winning soap "The Bland and The Beautiful" This is a huge responsibility, there are millions of soap fans tuning in to see your character on the small screen every week day. Keep up your film enthusiasm at home by watching TV and movies, you will need it to advance!

Level 5 Male Job Title:

5. Opening Act for Mauve 12

Level 5 Female Job Title:

5. Opening Act for Cathy Perry

Level 5 Male Job Description:

You are on the road with the popular pop/rock band Mauve 12. You have successfully signed a record deal with Corumbia Records, but still need to prove yourself as an artist. For those days when you aren't performing, you need to get a karaoke machine (if you don't already have one) for home use so you can brush up on your creativity skill. It's very, very important to have the perfect pitch and tone, and a karaoke machine certainly will help with that. You have a lot of fans, don't let them down!

Level 5 Female Job Description:

You are on the road with the popular pop singer Cathy Perry. You have successfully signed a record deal with Corumbia Records, but still need to prove yourself as an artist. For those days when you aren't performing, you need to get a karaoke machine (if you don't already have one) for home use so you can brush up on your creativity skill. It's very, very important to have the perfect pitch and tone, and a karaoke machine certainly will help with that. You have a lot of fans, don't let them down!

6. Headlining Concert Singer

You've garnered enough ticket sales, and such a fan base that you've gotten the attention of Dive Davis head of Artista Records. He's decided to sign you on as a headlining concert singer. You will be performing for thousands of adoring fans in stadium arenas, as well as singing the national anthem at major sporting events from time to time. You are finally a true star, but it's not over yet. There is more to accomplish if you want  to be a true master in the entertainment industry.

Level 7 Male Job Title:

7. Supporting Actor

Level 7 Female Job Title:

7. Supporting Actress

Level 7 Male Job Description:

You are playing opposite Dill Smith in the musical drama "Too Many Lies" based on the life of the ill-fated rock icon Billy Hendrix. This movie happens to be in the time frame when the Grovers will be nominated, so you have to have very strong creativity skill. The most important thing you must keep in mind about this role is to stay in character at all times. That's what any great thespian will tell you.

Level 7 Female Job Description:

You are playing opposite Allysa Etheridge in the musical drama "Too Many Lies" based on the life of the ill-fated rock icon Janis Doplin. This movie happens to be in the time frame when the Grovers will be nominated, so you have to have very strong creativity skill. The most important thing you must keep in mind about this role is to stay in character at all times. That's what any great thespian will tell you.

8. Movie Star

You've now reached a high point in your career. You have several awards under your belt, and are finally reaching your way to superstar status. Now you are a movie star. You get only the best most coveted roles, starring along side such greats as Darryl Streep and Meryl Hannah. You even snagged the coveted Academic Award not to mention your daytime Simmy. Now you just need to get that Granny, Sony, and Screen Thespian's Guild Award to top them all off!

9. Superstar

Male Job Description:

You are finally getting all the acclamation and praise you deserve! You stay quite busy. You are releasing albums, touring the nation, appearing on talk shows, making guest appearances and starring roles on television and movies, even finding time to go back where it all started - Simway, and perform a few plays as the main attraction. You have several big time endorsements for such brands as New Spice cologne, and Cooky Cola. You are finally living your dream!

Female Job Description:

You are finally getting all the acclamation and praise you deserve! You stay quite busy. You are releasing albums, touring the nation, appearing on talk shows, making guest appearances and starring roles on television and movies, even finding time to go back where it all started - Simway, and perform a few plays as the main attraction. You have several big time endorsements for such brands as Cover Woman, and Cooky Cola. You are finally living your dream!

10. Living Legend

You are now a living legend. You're a triple threat, actor/singer/dancer as well as a giving philanthropist. You have received every known entertainment achievement award, as well as the lifetime achievement award in each of those awards. You've also managed to somehow dodge the tabloids by keeping up good press and having only the best publicists and agents. You can now relax, and enjoy life at home in your sprawling 12 bedroom mansion. You make occasional appearances on talk shows, but for the most part you can just sit back and enjoy the residuals that pour in from your various contributions to the entertainment industry.

Here is the custom icon:

Here is an example of a chance card question:

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