
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Sims 3 - Adjustable Default Replacement Wall Mirrors

These are default replacements for most of the EA mirrors to allow them to move freely up and down the wall like paintings do. The STBLs (in game texts) are the same as EA. It doesn't include everything, I don't own Pets, Generations, Late Night, Town Life, or Fast Lane. The mirrors shown below are what are included. All packages have been compressed, so no need to re-compress. Update to add Master Suite Stuff mirrors. Updated to add two of the Late Night mirrors, I couldn't get the 2 tile mirror to work for some reason so the 2 tile Late Night mirror is not included. Updated again to add the Generations mirror. Enjoy!

Master Suite Added on 4/12/12

Late Night Added on 4/28/12

Generations Added On 5/12/12

Download Here
Sorry, I'm unable to find this file.
October 29, 2016
Master Suite Here 
Sorry, I'm unable to find this file.
October 29, 2016

Late Night Here
Download link fixed.
Generations Here
Download link fixed.



Anonymous said...

How do you move paintings up and down freely in game? Can you do it with other objects?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous i think that late night patch make it posible to move paintings freely

Anonymous said...

i have a question .... is that for store mirrors too?

TheNinthWave said...

The store mirrors are not included, I thought about including some of them, but I don't have access to all of the store items. Since this doesn't affect all mirrors globally, and I have to make each one as a separate package, I can only do as many store mirrors that I have or can get to.

TheNinthWave said...

I tried very hard, but I wasn't able to do any of the Store mirrors. It could be because they are all sims3packs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It's a great fix, it will be very useful :)

Anonymous said...

Alright, but how exactly do you move them freely? Like, is their certain keys I need to hold to do that?

TheNinthWave said...

Anon @ 4/12 11:25 AM,

You just left click on the mirror or painting and drag.

Trudi Kelly said...

any chance these could be donr again for sims 2..thanx

TheNinthWave said...

Trudi, this has already been done before for The Sims 2, it's on MATY.

Heidi said...

Are you thinking about to convert the mirrors for TS2, especially the Late Night and Generations mirrors?
That would be awesome!

TheNinthWave said...

I try to stay away from TS2 mirrors because they are very hard to make.

tiptoehappiness said...

Late Night & Generations links are down :(

Anonymous said...

Hiya! I just downloaded these and they're very helpful (someone needs to fix EA's sillyness) - but I've found that in buy mode with the mirror catalog open my game now crashes. I have a few mods installed but nothing that should conflict with mirrors. Could it possibly be a problem with the latest patch?

TheNinthWave said...

I noticed some of the larger mirrors caused a crash for me when I first made them. You say all mirrors even small ones crash?

Anonymous said...

Not sure which ones specifically cause the crash. It happens when I just open up the mirror category in buy mode - the game freezes, doesn't crash to desktop or anything.

columbia93 said...

You said you don't have Pets so I ran them through RigFix... I'm checking them in game and the Mirror - MidCPop causes my game to stall. It doesn't actually crash (back to desktop) but I do need to go out and close it through the Task Manager. I'll work through the other mirrors to see if they have the same problem. I know that not everything gets "fixed" with the RigFix program so I'll also try it without being fixed and see if the problem persists. It would be terrific, however, if you could team up with someone who does have all of the EPs to get ALL of the mirrors to slide AND have them work with that sill Pets fix! :)

Dan said...

The link for the base mirrors is giving me a 404 error :(

TheNinthWave said...

So sorry about that Dan, I 'll have to remake them sometime. It really is a hassle with missing files I should have definitely stuck with mediafire to begin with.

Donna J. Castello said...

The download page for MasterSuite mirrors is incorrect. If you get the chance to check it out and maybe fix it that would be great. Thank you.