Link Fixed November, 18th 2021
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads.
We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.
Added Pie Menu Functions
Age/Gender Conversions
Alice in Wonderland
Aspiration Rewards
Bioshock - TS2 Conversions
Body Shapes
Body Shop
Build Mode
Buy Mode
CAS items
CAS Screens
Collection Files
Community Lots
Costume Makeup
Creators Policies
Decorative Animals
Decorative Plants
Default Replacements
Default Replacements
Easel Replacements
Facial Hair
Far East or Middle Eastern
Fences & Gates
Game Mods
Ground Cover
Harry Potter
Hider Mods
Hot Tubs
King Kong Conversions
LACK Match Recolors
Living Room
LS - TS2 conversions
LS - TS3 Conversions
Maxis Match
Maxis Outfits as Tops
Multi-Purpose Surface
Neighborhood Decor
Neighborhood Maps
New Meshes
Non Autonomy Mods
Once Upon a Time
One Tile Maxis Match
Other PC - TS2 Conversions
Personal Favorites
Pet Beds
Playable Dolls/Bears
Plus Size
Rabbit Holes
Residential Lots
Room Dividers
Scaled Maxis Decor
Sci Fi
Sims 2 Idea
Site Announcements
Site News
Star Trek
Star Wars
The Lord Of The Rings
The Sims 1
The Sims 2
The Sims 3
The Sims 4
Toddler Beds
TS1 - TS2 Conversions
TS2 - TS3 Conversions
TS2 - TS4 Conversions
TS3 - TS2 Conversions
TS3 - TS4 Conversions
TS4 - TS2 Conversions
TS4 - TS3 Conversions
TSM - TS2 Conversions
TSM - TS3 Conversions
Unlocked Maxis Items
UNpotted plants
Wall Art
Whitney Houston
Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Sims 3 - A few of my original Artworks as paintings
I used to sell these on a cool little addictive site called listia, got bored with it, have this big folder full of original art, so I'd thought I'd turn this into an upload. I don't really enjoy making Sims 2 recolors, and I got to talking to some of my friends they said they liked Sims 3 more, so I guess I'll give them this hope they like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as well.
The Sims 2 - Default Replacement Simlish Facebook Blog Hobby Computer Screen Freetime Required
This is a default replacement of when your sim goes to blog for their hobby on their computers. They must have enough hobby enthusiasm in order to blog. Also Freetime is required. Also if you have any of my other (or anyone else's) default replacement blog hobby screens you need to take them out before starting your game or it will cause problems (you can only ever have 1 default replacement of anything in your game at all times). All of the words are in Simlish. Since Simlish can easily be translated into English, I have changed the names of all my friends to just either random fictitious names or celebrity names to protect their privacy. I really don't know why I haven't thought of this before, I'm on facebook all the time. Anyway, enjoy!
Link Fixed
November 15, 2023
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Sims 2 - The Sims Medieval Wizard Bed for The Sims 2
This is The Sims Medieval Wizard bed for The Sims 2. Thanks to Michelle for helping me understand the layout of the texture. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Sims 2 - Game Show Host Career
This is something that was lost for so long, and I really hate that all my work was lost, but I decided to go ahead and re-make it. This career is more focused on being a host than with jobs other than hosting a show or program. There are 5 chance cards completed. Here's a run-down of career levels.
Bingo Caller:
It's your job to call numbers at the local bingo hall. The patrons of the bingo hall are mainly elderly sims looking to just have a good time and possibly win some extra money. You must have a clear, loud voice as well as keep an eye out for possible cheaters who you can report to security. Even the sweetest looking old lady can be a scam artist.
Local Radio Game Show Host:
The brain-buster, the missing serial numbers in the plasma screen TV, the clues to the scavenger hunt to find a priceless diamond ring lost in the middle of Downtown Veronaville. Those are some of the games that you will be hosting on the radio show. Have fun with this job!
Slot Tournament MC:
You've moved a bit up the ladder as a slot tournament MC in Atlantic City. It's your job to make announcements about when a jackpot is hit, announce the times for intermission, announce when any entertainment will be performing, but most importantly make sure that the players have fun.
Local Television Game Show Host:
You have done so well MCing at the casino at Atlantic City that the casino has a job for you now on their local game show network. You have developed quite a bit of public speaking skills so far in your career which will advance you to the next level. Keep going my friend!
National Radio Game Show Host:
You certainly have gained quite a following and quite a bit of experience so far that now you are gearing up as the host of your own national radio game show. This is not some mom and pop operation that you remember from the days of the local radio show. This is the big leagues.
Big City Television Game Show Host:
You are hosting a local television game show, but this just happens to be the largest city in all of Sim Nation: New Sim City. No pressure, no pressure at all, only a large studio audience, caked on makeup under blaring lights, scrupulous time limits, and not to mention the least amount of pressure - a viewing audience of nearly 2 million sims.
National Night Owl Television Host:
You are almost on your way to the very top. This isn't quite what you hoped for when they asked you to be a national game show host because of the time slot which is 3 am. Your target audience is geriatric vampires, so be sure to throw in some product placement for blood-flavored denture grip.
Host of the next big thing:
You became host of Schpiel or no Schpiel not realizing how huge of a success it would actually be. There are now different versions of this show currently running in every nation in the entire world. Your job entails a lot of traveling not just looking good on camera day in and day out. You might not be meeting up with the Pope anytime soon, but at the rate you're going he may know your name!
CEO of the Game Show Channel:
you are now CEO of GSC aka Game Show Channel. This is a huge responsibility. You have to be in charge of so much when running a corporation as large as this. Of course this means tons of cash flow, but hey you honestly deserve it! You have worked so hard to progress to this point of your career. Well done!
Living Legend:
This is a life of ease. You make rare appearances on national talk shows, and fun documentaries about game shows and receive a huge check each time you go to one. All of your hard, tedious work really has paid off at this point. Now is the time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate. Enjoy your life because this is the best time of your life.
Here is the custom Icon:
Here is an example of a chance card question:
Bingo Caller:
It's your job to call numbers at the local bingo hall. The patrons of the bingo hall are mainly elderly sims looking to just have a good time and possibly win some extra money. You must have a clear, loud voice as well as keep an eye out for possible cheaters who you can report to security. Even the sweetest looking old lady can be a scam artist.
Local Radio Game Show Host:
The brain-buster, the missing serial numbers in the plasma screen TV, the clues to the scavenger hunt to find a priceless diamond ring lost in the middle of Downtown Veronaville. Those are some of the games that you will be hosting on the radio show. Have fun with this job!
Slot Tournament MC:
You've moved a bit up the ladder as a slot tournament MC in Atlantic City. It's your job to make announcements about when a jackpot is hit, announce the times for intermission, announce when any entertainment will be performing, but most importantly make sure that the players have fun.
Local Television Game Show Host:
You have done so well MCing at the casino at Atlantic City that the casino has a job for you now on their local game show network. You have developed quite a bit of public speaking skills so far in your career which will advance you to the next level. Keep going my friend!
National Radio Game Show Host:
You certainly have gained quite a following and quite a bit of experience so far that now you are gearing up as the host of your own national radio game show. This is not some mom and pop operation that you remember from the days of the local radio show. This is the big leagues.
Big City Television Game Show Host:
You are hosting a local television game show, but this just happens to be the largest city in all of Sim Nation: New Sim City. No pressure, no pressure at all, only a large studio audience, caked on makeup under blaring lights, scrupulous time limits, and not to mention the least amount of pressure - a viewing audience of nearly 2 million sims.
National Night Owl Television Host:
You are almost on your way to the very top. This isn't quite what you hoped for when they asked you to be a national game show host because of the time slot which is 3 am. Your target audience is geriatric vampires, so be sure to throw in some product placement for blood-flavored denture grip.
Host of the next big thing:
You became host of Schpiel or no Schpiel not realizing how huge of a success it would actually be. There are now different versions of this show currently running in every nation in the entire world. Your job entails a lot of traveling not just looking good on camera day in and day out. You might not be meeting up with the Pope anytime soon, but at the rate you're going he may know your name!
CEO of the Game Show Channel:
you are now CEO of GSC aka Game Show Channel. This is a huge responsibility. You have to be in charge of so much when running a corporation as large as this. Of course this means tons of cash flow, but hey you honestly deserve it! You have worked so hard to progress to this point of your career. Well done!
Living Legend:
This is a life of ease. You make rare appearances on national talk shows, and fun documentaries about game shows and receive a huge check each time you go to one. All of your hard, tedious work really has paid off at this point. Now is the time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate. Enjoy your life because this is the best time of your life.
Here is the custom Icon:
Here is an example of a chance card question:
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