
Welcome, my name is TheNinthWave and this is my site. Since 2011 I have continually provided free downloads for the Sims series of games, with the help of guest creators Michelle and Lientebollemeis. Thank you to the community for your continued support.You may also like to take a look at my Tumblr, TheNinthWaveSims (In Case You Missed It), for links to my older uploads. We DO NOT convert custom content made by other creators, only the Sims games.


Accessories (117) Added Pie Menu Functions (14) Age/Gender Conversions (37) Alice in Wonderland (9) Angels (5) Aquariums (6) Aspiration Rewards (5) Bars (12) Bathroom (33) Bathtubs (19) Bedding (57) Bedroom (82) Beds (84) Bioshock - TS2 Conversions (8) Body Shapes (25) Body Shop (357) Bookcases (34) Books (4) Buddhism (12) Build Mode (137) Business (46) Buy Mode (1382) Careers (41) CAS items (40) CAS Screens (4) Cher (5) Children (86) Christian (16) Clocks (12) Clothing (138) Collection Files (5) Community Lots (6) Conversion (4) Conversions (1200) Costume Makeup (10) Creators Policies (4) Curtains (14) Decorative Animals (51) Decorative Plants (90) Default Replacements (69) Default Replacements (1) Dining (62) Doors (11) Dressers/Amories (12) Drinks (44) Earrings (29) Easel Replacements (4) Egyptian (19) Electronics (80) Eyes (8) Facial Hair (3) Fantasy (49) Far East or Middle Eastern (132) Fences & Gates (16) Fireplaces (30) Flags (10) Floors (22) Food (240) Game Mods (184) Glasses (19) Gnomes (8) Gothic (73) Ground Cover (3) Grungy (17) Hair (120) Halfwalls (5) Harry Potter (3) Hats (23) Hider Mods (7) Holidays (137) Hot Tubs (14) Judaism (5) King Kong Conversions (3) LACK Match Recolors (15) Lientebollemeis (38) Lighting (79) Living Room (97) Lots (19) LS - TS2 conversions (7) LS - TS3 Conversions (6) Majors (44) Makeup (19) Mature (18) Maxis Match (208) Maxis Outfits as Tops (13) Medieval (167) Michelle (158) Mirrors (14) Miscellaneous (11) Modern (283) Multi-Purpose Surface (9) Murals (29) Nature (121) Necklaces (11) Neighborhood Decor (15) Neighborhood Maps (11) New Meshes (1638) Non Autonomy Mods (17) Nursery (42) Olympics (2) OMSP (33) Once Upon a Time (19) One Tile Maxis Match (14) Other PC - TS2 Conversions (55) Patterns (17) Personal Favorites (43) Pet Beds (10) Pets (24) Playable Dolls/Bears (9) Plumbing (41) Plus Size (21) Pookleted (18) Poses (12) Prehistoric (20) Pride (14) Rabbit Holes (3) Radios (38) Recolors (322) Residential Lots (12) Retro (438) Room Dividers (6) Rugs (17) Scaled Maxis Decor (18) Sci Fi (91) Shelves (17) Sims (52) Sims 2 Idea (30) Site Announcements (20) Site News (16) Sports (14) Stairs (1) Star Trek (30) Star Wars (8) Study (52) Terrain (11) The Lord Of The Rings (9) The Sims 1 (2) The Sims 2 (2369) The Sims 3 (222) The Sims 4 (65) Tiki (35) Toddler Beds (3) TOU (3) Transformers (1) TS1 - TS2 Conversions (1) TS2 - TS3 Conversions (68) TS2 - TS4 Conversions (20) TS3 - TS2 Conversions (383) TS3 - TS4 Conversions (5) TS4 - TS2 Conversions (623) TS4 - TS3 Conversions (2) TSM - TS2 Conversions (17) TSM - TS3 Conversions (3) Tutorials (43) TVs (25) Unlocked Maxis Items (25) UNpotted plants (19) Updated (28) Vehicles (15) Victorian (234) Wall Art (126) Walls (50) Whitney Houston (5) Windows (18) Witches (16) Zoo Tycoon 2 - TS2 Conversions (14)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Sims 2 - The Sims Medieval Petorian Altar's Candles as Sims 2 Table Lamps

When you turn the candles on, the wick and flame appears, when you turn the candles off, the flame goes away. Fixed the link. Enjoy!

Turned On:

Turned Off:

Download Here

Link Fixed
June 21, 2015

The Sims 2 - The Sims Medieval Altars as Sims 2 Coffee Tables

As promised, here is the Sims 2 version of the coffee tables. The candles on the Petorian coffee table do not light up, sorry, but I may be able to just make the candles separately as lights! They have 3 slots for placing whatever you like that fits on coffee tables. Fixed the link. Enjoy!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Sims 3 - *Updated* Medieval Gallows Mesh with Hung Pose

Included is a decorative Medieval Gallows mesh found in decor/misc decor and decor/sculptures, and a pose for the gallows. The gallows have 2 channels. To get your sim in the gallows properly, you will have to use moveobjects on and get your sim centered in the middle of the gallows bottom, then use the pose box by cmomoney on modthesims found here. and enter pose name a_TNW_Pose_6 exactly as it appears here and in the package file name. Thanks so much to alkaizen at turbosquid.com for the mesh, turbosquid's policy is standard royalty free, meaning you can do whatever you like with their meshes with or without credit as long as it stays free. Enjoy!


I've updated the pose to make the feet, hands, and shoulders appear more realistic. Also changed the package filename to the name of the pose a_TNW_Pose_6

Update 2:

Wasn't 100% satisfied with the look of the shoulders in update 1

Okay folks, fixed the link finally this time! I know what I did wrong, I was updating the link for the gallows and not everything when the whole lot gallows and pose were on the 4shared site (so sorry).

Day Shots:

Download Here

Link Fixed
December 30, 2017

I think this is the right file, unfortunately I have no way of checking or testing it 
and was unable to find images, sorry.

The Sims 3 - Terranium Sculpture without the stuff inside

More simple terranium sculpture. It doesn't have the weird looking plants in the middle. Found in decorative/misc. Enjoy!

The Sims 2 - Vivid Boquet of Love New Deco Plant Mesh + 7 Recolors

The vase is from Ikea Home Stuff pack. You will also need Ikea Home stuff for the mesh to show up. You need the CEP for the recolors to show up. Updated to fix the link. Enjoy!



Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Sims 2 - TS3 Outdoor Living Terraniums for The Sims 2 Celebrations Stuff Required

These are conversions of The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff Terranium plants for The Sims 2. Included is the Outdoor Living Floor Plant, and the Outdoor Living Table Plant. Celebrations Stuff is Required. Enjoy!

Download Here

 Link Fixed
October 2, 2015


The Sims 3 - Child Pose I'm a Little Tea Pot (a_TNW_Pose_5)

I had so wanted this to be a toddler pose, like in my sims 2 pose, but as of now there are no toddler rig or milkshape files. Hopefully mesher on mts will see this and add some. Also, mesher if you are reading this, some elder and teen ones would be great as well! Also I learned something new about Sims 3 game-play today! The sim in this picture is from one of Sunset Valley's EA houses. You know Sims 3 is a prequel to The Sims 1. Well this sim's name is Kayllyn Lagganack, or however you spell that name (lol), she is the maid in The Sims 2! You will need cmomoney's pose box on modthesims found here. Once you have that, you can go in buy mode under buy mode/decorative/misc. decor and enter pose by name a_TNW_Pose_5 exactly as it appears here and in the package file name. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
December 30, 2017


The Sims 2 - TS3 Outdoor Living Floor Plant for Sims 2

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 Outdoor Living (Or it might be Late Night, not sure which) Floor Plant for The Sims 2. This is re-made since theninthwavesims.org was lost. I didn't include the table plant, but if you want it, simply request it here. Fixed the link. Enjoy!

Download Here

 Link Fixed
June 21, 2015

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Sims 2 - TS3 Late Night Hot Tub for The Sims 2

This is a conversion of The Sims 3 Late Night sunken hot tub now for The Sims 2. Moved the link to fileswap. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed 
September 1, 2015

The Sims 2 - 10 Beddings to Match Maxis Wallpapers with Maxis Wallpaper Collection File

I've made 10 beddings to match some of Maxis' wallpapers. The beddings will work on any Maxis or custom beds, as well as single or double beds. The beddings go in your downloads folder as always, but the collection file for the Maxis walls (so you won't have to search your walls to find the right match) goes in Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Collections. I included in the collection all of the walls or sets of walls that match each bed. Enjoy!

Links Fixed 
September 18, 2020

The Sims 2 - Testers Wanted Toddler Posebox (I'm a Little Tea Pot)

I spent 2 days trying to get this working, and finally I think it is. One issue I got with this is, they won't stop the pose soon enough, they will stop if you keep Xing out the interaction queue thumbnail and wait about 1 or 2 minutes. Anyway, it works fine for me, but wanted to be sure it works for others, so I'm marking it as Testers Wanted. If 2 or more people say that it works fine for them, I will take away that tag. It's found in Misc./Child Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
December 30, 2017


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Sims 3 - Touched by An Angel Pose (a_TNW_Pose_4)

Another flying pose. You will need cmomoney's pose box found here. Once you have that, you will find it in buy mode/decorative/misc decor. You can enter pose by name and enter a_TNW_Pose_4 exactly as it appears here and in the package name. This goes great with my wings found here. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
December 30, 2017


The Sims 2 - ANZAC Cookies for ANZAC Day (Late)

These cookies are for ANZAC Day which was yesterday. Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honor the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their countries. The soldiers from Australia and New Zealand often only had these cookies to eat while in battle. Open for Business is Required. Enjoy!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Sims 3 - Updated Live Long and Prosper Pose (a_TNW_Pose_3)

I love Star Trek so much, and the Vulcans were one of my favorite races on the whole show. Anyway, this is what the Vulcans do to show they appreciate someone, they flash the Live Long and Prosper symbol. I'd like to make this for Sims 2 as well if I can ever learn how to make Sims 2 poses. You will need cmomoney's pose box mod found on modthesims here. Once you have that you will find it in buy mode/decor/misc decor, and click it and do enter pose by name and type in a_TNW_Pose_3 exactly as it appears here and in the package filename. Enjoy!

I've updated this pose so that the fingers aren't so far apart. Same pose name as before a_TNW_Pose_3

Updated to fix the link.

Download Here

Link Fixed
December 30, 2017


The Sims 2 - The Sun (Default Replacement Day Sky Texture)

In one of the EPs, not sure which one, it took out the sun forever, even if you uninstalled all your games except for base. So I've made a default replacement day sky texture to add the sun for those of us who wish to play The Sims 2 with EPs. Fixed the link. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
July 4, 2015

The Sims 2 - Polished Wood Fence

Found in Build Mode/Fences. Enjoy!

Link fixed Sep 01, 2019

Download Here

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Sims 3 - Medieval City Hall Rabbit Hole

This is a non-default Medieval City Hall Rabbit Hole. You get to these by going in edit town, and then changing the lot to community/visitors allowed, then edit it build/buy and it's found in community objects. Fixed the link. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
September 30, 2015

The Sims 2 - 3 Medieval Neighborhood Decor

Included are 3 Medieval buildings for your Medieval neighborhoods. New Meshes Enjoy!

Link fixed 02/14/20

The Sims 2 - Playable Medieval Mandolin (Violoin) Freetime Required

This is a playable Medieval Mandolin (Cloned from, and sounds like a violin) You will need Freetime. You need both of the packages included in the zip in your downloads folder in order for it to function. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
May 22, 2017


TheNinthWave's Policy

You may do anything you like with any of my creations and share them on any site. There is one condition to this. Do not upload the exact same thing for the exact same game, that is stealing. Other than that, you may convert for Sims 2 and 3, recolor, modify, include with lots or sims, clone, or whatever to your heart's content. These terms of use apply to TheNinthWave only and not the other creators on this site. These terms of use also apply to any of my creations on any other site as TheNinthWave or joninmobile on modthesims.info. I'd like to add that I do not make custom conversions. Only EA. You can request them, but those requests will not be fulfilled.

The Sims 2 - Exotic Trees Set

All of the trees are found in build mode/trees. All of the trees come in 3 sizes (small, medium, and large). None of the trees are Seasons enabled. If you have Seasons, they will look like this all year round. Enjoy!

Download Here

Link Fixed
October 2, 2016


The Sims 2 - Prehistoric Neighborhood Decor

Included in the set is a prehistoric dinosaur for water, a dinosaur for land, and an exotic tree. Enjoy!

Download Here 

Link Fixed
October 13, 2017

The Sims 2 - Medieval Wall Beams in 1 and 3 Tile *Updated*

You can use cheats to move them into each other and have them going outward from the wall. Use move_objects on to make them go outward, and boolProp SnapObjectsToGrid false to make them go into each other. Found in Decorative/Wall Hangings price is 120 simoleons. Enjoy!

Updated: Please re-download, I fixed the hand tool not being able to move the 3 tile beam after it is placed in buy mode by fixing the southwallshadow mesh. Also it is now 120 simoleons, like I said instead of 350 in the old version. Should be working now, sorry about that.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Sims 3 - TheNinthWave's Crystal Ball of Mystella as Lamp or Mirror

Included is a table lamp, and a mirror that you can use to practice magic with Kolipoki's magic mod on mts found here. The mirrors have 3 channels, the lamps have 2. Shown below are the default colors/patterns. Fixed the link. Enjoy!


Practicing Magic
